Bad Things????


New Member
I found a hairy black crab in one of my live rocks. Its about 1 - 1.5 inches. It only comes out at night. Is this a stone crab. Could it be dangerous. I also found a little starfish. It is yellowish-brown. It looks kinda deformed. Two of its legs are not seperated. Well are these tag alongs OK.
75 Gall
50 lbs live rock
Purple Mushrooms
Yellow Tang
Striped and Blue Damsel
2 peppermints
1 cleaner
1 emerald
Numerous bluelegs and scarlets
4 conches
330 watts VHO
"The fun part is learning what not to do"


not to sure about the crab but most small starfish that are tag alongs are Carnivores and will munch on your corals :mad: im from oklahoma to where do you shop at?


the crab may kill similiar crab species over territory, but should be OK; it will find food to scavenge at night;you may want to occasionally put small amount of food for it out after lights out