baffle questions


I want to convert my old 20gal (high) into a fuge. I want my skimmer to run on that but want to eliminate bubbles (as much as possible). I am wondering about the spacing of the baffles (and quantity). Would it be better to have 2 baffles one inch apart or 4 baffles 1/2 inch apart or 6 1/4 apart? If I add more baffles, will it eliminate more bubbles (or at least give them a chance to go away as they go through the system)? With a 20g high, space is limited, so I don't think I can have that many and will draw up a picture for you guys to pick apart before I build it, just trying to get an idea on the width and quantity that you have found works best.


New Member
I think the baffles further apart would do you better. It seems that the closer they are to each other the more velocity the water has, thus pushing the bubbles thru each baffle. I spaced mine 1.5 inches apart in my sump, and put in five baffles, it was over kill I don't have any bubbles make it past the first drop.