bak pak and sump


Ok, I'm finally building my own sump out of a ten gallon tank. my question is: how do you get the bak pak to work with it? the pump and return are so high that I'd have to almost completely fill my sump (not something I think I want to do) just to get it to work. Does anyone else use a bak pak in a sump?
New question(rather than posting twice) I want a refugium in my sump, but the ten gallon is a little small to include that along with everything else. What I'm thinking about doing is using another ten gallon tank (I think they're reproducing in my closet :) ), and setting it lower than the sump, running a syphon line from the sump to it, and putting the refugium in there. I'd then put a baffle with just big enough an area to put in the return pump. Does that make sense? Is a syphon line good enough to move the water?


Mostly because I'm in college and can't even come close to affording a sump protien skimmer. :( I would like to get the bak pak off the back of my tank though, first because it's ugly and impossible to hide, and because it has a tendancy to spit out a million micro bubbles. I deviced a very good baffling system to get rid of any micro bubbles (in theory) before they returned to the tank. Does no one use a bak pak in their sump? I've had two lfs guys tell me it was a good idea.


Active Member
No need to go out and buy a new skimmer.
I ran the Bak-PakII on my 55 hanging on the back as it's designed for several months - then when I added sump I used it down there too. I just hung it on the side of the sump and extended the hose/Rio600 powerhead down to the bottom of the sump. I then upgraded to a Rio800 for increased flow though the skimmer.
It worked better than ever this way.
My sump at the time though was 15" height, so the hang on bracket thing worked fine.
With your 10 gallon sump, the height is only about 12" or so, and the Bak-PakII needs about that much to hang right. It will be close - but it may work. If not - you could attached the Bak-Pak to the side of the sump with bungie cords or some other means to secure it, or just raise the sump a couple inches off the bottom of the stand with two or three 2x4's cut to width of 10 gallon tank, and a plywood sheet underneath the sump tank for even support.
You'll need to get some tubing that will fit over the opening of the elbow coming out of the skimmer, and extend the length down to meet up with the powerhead.
You'll also want to get some PVC fittings to extend the discharge from the skimmer down to water level in your sump. Otherwise the skimmed water will fall out the standard opening, and make noise as it hits the sump water.
You may have to tinker around with this last part, I did, but I eventually came up with this funky question mark shaped pvc piping arrangment that was almost silent.
If you want to see a picture - I think I have one floating around here on an old disk.
Just let me know.
On your refugium question - I'd personally not do that arrangment. Having your return pump in the SUMP portion of the system is much better - you can run it full throttle then, eliminate the chance of starving the pump, and keep your flows lower in your refugium.
You could do this.
Place the 10 gallon refugium higher than your 10 gallon sump, and use an overflow ( although I don't like this set up either ).
Lastly - you can get a small plastic/acrylic/Rubbermaid container and place it next to the sump, and cut a hole in the upper end of this container. Use a 1" bulkhead fitting and pvc to allow a side overflow to the sump. Then just tee off the return pump with a small 1/2" vinyl tubing line, and 1/2" ball valve to slowly "feed" the refugium.
Water raises up in refugium to bulkhead, and out it goes over to sump.
Sump still has heater and main pump feeding main tank and slight flow over the refugium.
Just a thought.
Good luck


Great idea broomer, thanks a lot. I have seen someone else do something similar, but all in the same sump. The only question would be how to get light in it? I was just going to use a good bulb on a 10 gallon hood. I guess I could either cut a hole in the rubbermaid lid, or hang it above. Thank you for telling me the bak pak would work to. I know I've been told it will. Well, it's going to be a while before I get my overflow anyway I think, so I have a while to figit around with these ideas. Thank you for your imput. Oh, and if you could send a picture, it'd be greatly appreciated, don't bother if you can't find it though.


You know what broomer, I just saw your picture of the bp 2 and how you rigged it on your web site (very beautiful tank by the way). Thanks for the help, and I guess if all else fails, I can just go buy myself a bigger sump tank (it's not like they cost that much).


Active Member
You can just hang the light above the refugium, or the standard hood would work too.
I found it LOL
Screwy set up but it worked.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Later - have fun !