
New Member
I have heard of this skimmer many times in the
forum and would like to purchase one. Does anyone
know whether they will ship to Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia? My LFS does not have it./
Is there a website that I can go into to find out?
Greatly appreciated!
God Bless!


<a href="" target="_blank"></a> is their website. I have a bakpak on one of my tanks. for what it's worth I don't recomend them. They do a good job of skimming but there are some problems. The first is the nick name given to this unit (bakpak bubble machine) it is well deserved and a constant problem. this unit is prone to putting micro bubbles into your tank anytime the water chemistry changes even slightly (which pretty much happens all the time when you think about it). the second problem is the the rio (POS) power head it comes with will need constant cleaning and maintence or it will fail. I have even seen where the CPR website says the only reason they use them is they are cheap. The third problem is if you get the unit with the biobale you end up getting rid of the biobale as it is a nitrate factory. And finally they are way over priced usually running $125 or more depending where you get them. For less money you are better of with a prism (if your tank is 50gal or less) or I have heard good things about the newer seaclone units but I have never tried one. Not trying to flame bakpak just being honest about what you get for your money as this skimmer does skim well just has lots of other problems.

david s

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


For what it's worth --I have liked mine--had no bubble trouble (lol) On my 100 I used two simultaniously because my tank is so dang long. Of the three I have two are still going and one did give out after 2 years. I don't know if that is considered good or bad as far as life span of equipment. Seemed like a little early to me.
As far as the biobale being a nitrate factory--well... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
As I'm sure alot of you know.. my theory on this is --a piece of equipment ANY EQUIPMENT is only as good as the person who maintains it. Take good care of your stuff and it will take good care of your fish. :)
I got mine at <a href="http://www.**************.com," target="_blank">www.**************.com,</a> I don't know if they'll ship there though. Also you will want to seriously consider anthems advice on the better skimmer brands too. Buy the best you can afford when it comes to skimmers.
Good Luck


New Member
Thanks Kris
But I can't get to the website Dr..Something
Could this be a wrong web address?
e mail me at:-


try this
<a href="http://www.**************.com/product/shop.cfm?siteid=6&ref=1228&subref=AA" target="_blank">http://www.**************.com/product/shop.cfm?siteid=6&ref=1228&subref=AA</a>
That should get you there...