Ball-Green Algae Removal???


Active Member
OK now I have these 3 or 4 little balls of that Green Algae stuff. I have read if they burst they will spread threw the tank. They seem to be attached fairly well. Tried to vacuum them , did not work. How much manual pulling on them to get them out before they rupture??????????? Or is there another easier way to do it?.....Thanks all.....Warren


Active Member
Yes that is bubble algea, do not burst in your water. The way I get them off is just apply a little pressure perpindicular to the surface thay are attached to. They will pop off. It takes a lot more pressure to burst these than it does to take them off the rock IMO.


Originally Posted by fbm
Aren't they also fish predators? Or at least known to eat fish?
not to my knowledge; you might be thinking of arrow crabs.


New Member
Personally I think they look kind of cool (in moderation). Is there any issue to having some of these throughout the tank?

my way

Active Member
That rock can easily be taken out of the tank to do it. After removing the Bubble Algae, if any break, rinse the rock by pouring tank water over it to flush it off and return it to the tank.
Yes it can spread to plague proportions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr.MikeB
Personally I think they look kind of cool (in moderation). Is there any issue to having some of these throughout the tank?
Not necessarily.
However, they can easily get out of hand and cover the whole tank.


i had one of those show up on some monopora i got recently, and my emerald crabs found it and it was gone in no time.


Active Member
Yippee, I successfully remove the Bubble Algae today.
Used a 1/2 inch tube while doing a partial change and prodded the little suckers off with the end of the tube and sucked them into the bucket.
Now I wonder how many there are in the tank I can't see???
Guess it time to add a Crab
..... Just what I need another critter to feed my lack of algae sheets to. Thanks everyone for the help!!....Warren