Ball joint coupler nozzle

uk cats

I have a ? and could use some help. I have a JBJ Nano cube 24 gal reef tank and I was wondering if anyone knew what is the size of the ball joint coupler that returns water from the pump back into the tank. I think it looks like 1/2 but Im not sure. There is a possibilty that it might be 3/4 but I cant tell. Im leaning more to 1/2 but I thought maybe someone else might have come across this before. I am wanting to Y off and add an additional flare nozzle. Thanks for any help. Take care.


Active Member
It's definitely not 3/4. I'd say 1/2 if it's anything standard, but there is a chance that it's some proprietary size.
My cube is at the office, I've got a hunk of 1/2 locline I can take in tomorrow and see if it fits.


Active Member
Yeah it's half inch all right... but good luck getting the JBJ fitting apart... it took me quite a bit of effort.

uk cats

Thanks for the help. I see what you mean I tried lastnight to get that coupling apart and didnt suceed but Im going to give hell again after work. Thanks again.


Active Member
This picture is about 6 weeks old, but it's the most recent I have. I've added a few frags and a Crocea clam since then.


uk cats

Hey tank looks great. Is that the new viper light that I see. I have seen it in catalogs but not in any LFS. Do you like so far. I appreciate you sharing info and your pics. Also thanks again for the help I have the 1/2 couplings on order. If you dont mind later I will post pics of my cube. Thanks again tank is sweet.

uk cats

I have another ? for you. Is your cube a aquapod or nano. The reason asking is in your pic it looks like you might have a glass top on your tank. I have been wanting to change out the lighting system on mine but I want a glass top and the LFS I have asked about it dont know if they make one. If your is glass top where did you get yours. Mine is a 24 gal. Sorry about all the ?. Thanks


Active Member
First off, thanks for the compliments all!
Zman's got it... it's eggcrate. I have a firefish and a clown in there that I'm not big on losing, so I put it on there just for safety's sake.
I don't like it though... It cuts down on the lighting in the tank too much. I was thinking of taking a piece of acrylic and cutting a frame that fits into the inside rim, then stretching monofilament netting across and gluing it to the frame as a super lightweight cover to retard jumping. I haven't gotten to that yet.
Yep, that's the new K2 Viper. I upgraded to it not too long ago and I couldn't be happier. The only thing I'd recommend is buying it from somewhere that lets you upgrade the stock bulb from the JBJ to a Hamilton, XM, etc bulb. The JBJs have a record of early failure and mine was no exception. They replaced it in warranty but I was forced to set up a backup pendant I had for the week I was out of commission.
Oh yeah... it's the JBJ Nano. I upgraded from a 12DX, buying from a company that sells the tank and K2 viper in one package, so I never got a lid for it. It was sold with the intention to be used as shown.

uk cats

Here is mine. The clam was moved to my 65 reef but everything else is pretty much the same. Thanks again. Nice chatting with you.