Ball Valve a Return Line...????



I currently have 2 Quiet One 3000 pumps that each pump 780 gph. I had built a closed loop for my 45 gallon tank, however when I went to go try it, it was way to fast of current. I am wondering can you place a ball valve in the return line and regulate the pump, I have a feeling that this will overwork the pump, but I figured I would ask the experts on here. Thanks for the replys.


Active Member
yeah u can.. it will couse some head pressure but that can be fixed.. just aput a 't' on the return line.. make the strait side of the 't' connect to the pump then the other to the retun outlet to the tank.. then to the branch on the side put a valve and a line reverting water back to the sump/fuge... but put the valve on the branch.. that way if u open it .. there will be less water pump into the tank abd some water will return back to thesump/fuge and have perdy much no head..


Ya, I know I can do it with a fuge/sump, but my question was on a closed loop. I don't think its possible on a closed loop due to head pressure.


well u can add more outlets to dispers the flow some... only thing to do for a close loop without any head.. just cut the line and add another bar.... this can only help the tank.. maybe even add a spraybar for more surface aggitation for better oxygenation..