baloo6969's tank *Dairy*


Ok, well I guess I’ll do a dairy since everyone else has one.I’d like to say that I have been at this for little while (4 years or so) but not nearly as long as some others. I think we all have learned from our own mistakes or from others’ mistakes…so first thing I’d like to do is list my issues, failures and solutions to my current system. Hopefully others can learn from my MANNYY mistakes.My original tank I started was in college it was a 55. It was basic, some fish and some corals; nothing like some of you “pros” have…the filtration was a Fluval can filter, 2 sea clones, and the sump was a tide pool (trays and a bio wheel) with some rock, cheato in the sump and an inline heater. Lighting was a Odysea 4x96watts PC…that was on a college budget bouncing at a bar to pay for it…now I’m in the real world working 40+ a week, living with the GF, truck payment…needless to say I have less money now than I ever did. Anyway, I’ve got the OK from the old lady to spend the money and do things right, the apartment looks great, minus a ugly stand with all kinds of things hanging everywhere.
I want to list the problems I’ve had in the past 4 years with my 55 due to budget constraints and laziness. Also listing the solutions that hopefully will be resolved with the “New tank”…this time I’m doing things right…no more cutting corners…
1. Protein Skimmer
– I used 2 Sea clones for 2 years (cheep and all I could afford)…not bad after the mods were done. Then I got a Berlin HO turbo not bad, but should be in sump…I couldn’t get the bubbles to stop…after 6 months of fiddling I unplugged it and got a Prizm Pro Deluxe… IT’S AWSOME! It skims like a champ. I know there’s 249821974 better ones, but I’m happy with it….so this problem has been rectified. I will be using the prizm pro on the DT skimming, and use the Berlin ho on my sump.
2 Sump/Fuge
– the bio-wheel was a nitrate-wheel, and the trays (though perfect for using ANY type of filter media in it) was still a pain, and the flow couldn’t be too high. So after is saw regoew’s design for a 29gal fuge, I made a copy of it…payment pending…and will be putting ~30lbs of sand in it for a DSB, and keep the 56watt PC 10k/Blue bulb above it…should be good enough for the time being.
3 Heat
– in the past I had a hydor inline heater…it didn’t do a very good job of keeping the heat constant (probably the size tank I had, and the low temps my apartment is). So I’m going with 3 smaller heaters. 2 in fuge 1 in DT(maybe another inline heater). My apartment is never above 75 and never below 68…I’m fat and like a big bear, I don’t like to sweet, and I like the cold. At anyrate,
4. Tanks background
– the background was just the black plastic, salt water gets behind it, what a bear to keep it clean. The new tank will be sprayed black in the back.
5. Lighting
– I’ve always used PC lighting…for the time being I will still use my 4x96 watt bulbs, but I will be buying MH’s this week. I will have a new hood made.
6 Hood (lack there of)
– once the tank is in place the “Oak guy” will come and take measurement for me, and build me a hood, this will be completed in a month or 2. He will put in filtered fans on each side to lower heat from the MH’s
7. Filter
– I have 80lbs of LR and ~50lbs live sand…I will be getting more. For the time being I will continue to use the can filter…possibly removing it once the tank “clears up” I will possibly getting a new one…but in reality, I’ll just use it to run carbon or chemi-pure…once things get going I think the fuge, LR, and skimmers will be enough filtration.
8. Wires everywhere
– I have surge strips hooked to surge strips. Wires are laying everywhere…it’s unsightly and dangerous. If I had a dime for every time I zapped myself I’d be able to buy a nice size frag. Anyway, I want a combination of switches and outlets so I can shut off each item individually, and be able to unplug them to service. I also don’t want to see any wires and switches.9. Water top off – there’s many ATO systems out there, but +100$ seams like quite a lot for just a float switches and mounts…I will be building float switches into the fuge.
10. Algae on glass
– phosphate levels have always remained 0, though once a month for a week I run phosphate sponge, just to be sure. Also…
11. Nitrates
– this is an issue with all aquarists. Though levels are normally raised for 2 big reasons all due to ammonia; over feeding and die off. Of course people will say fix the cause of the ammonia raising…yes I agree. Some will say do more water changes; use nitrate sponge…everyone always has a solution to the nitrate issue. I’d like to nip nitrates in the butt…while still doing weekly water changes. Basically I’d like to be proactive. Well I’m attempting to use a DIY dentirator. It has been cycling for 2 weeks, and of course there has been no change yet.


I also got a used coralife cal reactor, 2 10lb tanks, media, regulator, and, not a bad buy. I will be hooking this up in a few months, once things “get back to normal”
For Christmas my gf’s awesome family got me an Oak stand made…look’s awesome (compared to the 2x4 piece I had made on a VERY low income.)
It was made to hold a 75…which I just got last week. It was drilled in the back in the top 2 corners. I sprayed the back of the tank black. Last week.
I also took a piece of ply and mounted *blue boxes* to them and hooked up quite a system of outlets and switches to it…this should resolve one of my problems. I will have to find some way to attach it to the inside of the new stand…maybe some “liquid nails”
Tomorrow I will be doing the plumbing…also making the water for the change…
I’ll post some pics tonight. Of the *New* and *Old*


well after a case and a paycheck I got the tank moved. I started Friday at 5 and went till 3am...and most of Saturday futsen around.
yesterday was the first big water change...ates are at 15...everything else looks good.
today I got the plenum finished...actually it was a joke to make, but it took me longer since I couldn’t find any egg crate...I’m just a moron and cant find things in retail stores.

the tank sill looks funny, since the rock work isn’t set up right, I’m too embarrassed to show it.
but here's the sump...thanks again renogaw for the idea.



Well since I moved my tank, I cant get my nitrates below 15…I used 3 types of tests, powder and drops -> color chart, and drops till purple(not sure of the manufactures of these)
what got me thinking was that i did a 25% water change, the nitrates went from 5><10 to just under 20, 6 hours after the change
So I went and tested my Ro/Di water…my nitrates are +20…same with my tap water…
So I need to find some other place for my water…but what makes me excited is that I think my chaeto is helping OR my de-nitrator is working(only 3~4 drops / second)…I will test the output water tonight…I know it’s not my plenum, it’s only been up for a month…
Anyway, I’m picking up some corals tonight…and I’ll get some pics up tonight


Active Member
awesome! its great to see you putting all this time, effort and research into this. Cant wait to see how it goes!

Your GF had to give in at some point! lol. Even though my BF has his comments about the money I spend, i still catch him starting at the tank and saying things like "the tank looks really nice today". Might as well do it now before you have kids tell her!
I bought my house 2.5 yrs ago, so I know what you mean about the real world lol, and what a change in 'bills due' for us!
. But its soooo worth it to take the time and extra bucks to do a tank.


wow this is odd...i just got a call from the oak guy...the hood is done...still needs to be painted on the inside white, and i need to find filtered fans for the sides...
thanks shrimpi!