bamboo shark and dogface puffer?


Originally Posted by scu ba
Pit Bulls, Rotts, D. Pinchers, German Sheperds and Dalmations, all should be keeped in kennels and away from children.

I'm glad this topic is back on track because I'm not even going to respond to nonsense like that. I dont know you, as a person and I'm not throwing this directly at you, but remarks like that are the sole reason why those breeds have such bad reputations. I have been around Pits, Rotts, Dobies and Shepards my whole life...ones that were raised in good, loving homes...and never once, in my entire life, did I see any aggression towards anyone (especially a child).


I don't mean to ruffle any feathers(or fins) but, I am the proud momma of a pitbull. I hate to see people hating on the breed. And most people who do that have never even been around one, just hear the stories. But you hear stories of all kinds of dogs being mean. ANY dog can be dangerouse if it has a nut for an owner. My pitbull bathes my 2 year old in kisses daily even lets him try to ride her. I know she would never hurt my family, or anyone else for that matter. She even plays very nicely with our 2 ferrets. Even a hunting dog could want to eat one of those. I just really wish people would open thier eyes to what a loyal, personable breed the pitbull really is. I know that this was way off topic, but I thought you would understand pitbulljc.
This is my hubby with our four legged baby, Sasha.


We have a Rot and I would leave our 3 year old with him any day. He loves kids, and any other person for that matter, he never barks or growls and he doesn't even get off the couch when someone comes to our house, even when someone just walks in. Some dogs are predisposed to have bad temperments, its all about how you raise the dog. The reason I think that dogs of the more powerful breeds get a bad rap is because they are easy to come by the shelters are full of them and people who are uneducated about them get one and then just tie it up in the backyard and forget about them. I work in a vets office and out of all the dog breeds out there the one imo that is the one that is more apt to bite then any other is the Chihuahua, followed by the Min Pin, have I seen nice chihuahuas or min pins yes, but just in my expierence watch your fingers when dealing with these little guys.


Originally Posted by pitbulljc
What kind of fish would go well with a bamboo?

Gosh! Im sorry but i have no idea. I think your thread turned into something different and I had a major hand in that and i'm sorry. Maybe you might start another thread with this question?


New Member
thats ok, we all love our animals and we defend them, but i agree there are good and bad dogs in all breeds.its funny thou, im worried what fish wont attack my shark and not my 2 pits dont worry me at all. dont get me wrong i love my dogs but my son 1st one sign of aggression towards any person and the dog goes,but for 3 years they have been fine.


Since somehow this became a k9 thread I figured since a work for Animal control in a large city trhat I had some incite(think animal cops - cameras). Well first of all the lab is the number one registered dog in the country, meaning akc, ckc, ukc but the pitbull greatly outnumbers the lab easily estimated at a 2 to 1 margin. There are many breeds that bite more then the pitbull and the rottweiler can be blamed for the most deaths on a yearly basis. Not to vilify any dog, that is not my intention. I agree with the theory that the owner has fault but I have worked with dogs that spent there whole lives in a pit fighting for their lives and they would never even think about attacking anyone at the shelter. I have also worked with Golden retrievers that were pampered their whole lives and would take my head off if given the oppurtunity. There are many factors in any animal attack be it domestic or wild but we can usualy blame a mistake on our part. If I hand feed my eel and he bites me does it make him meaner then one who I never hand fed and he never bit me? Well sorry to bud in but as you are the saltwater experts I sort of consider myself an expert in the shelter and mammal field. Now somebody help me and answer my questions in my threads, I would really appreciate it.


My former employer had in with his Bamboo Shark in a 150 or 180 gallon a Yellow Tang, Purple Tang, Regal Tang, Maroon Clown, Naso Tang, 12" Volitans Lionfish, Niger Trigger, SFE, Foxface, and a DF Puffer. All were added at the same time, there was minmal LR, and everybody got along great. Amazing and who knows how long the peace will last. I'm assuming your tank is large enough to house the bamboo so, what about some of the more peaceful tang or angel species? Maybe a school of some type of butterflyfish? I'm not a fan of eels but, if you are, a SFE could be a good match. I didn't think too much of Faxfaces until I just saw one at the LFS this morning, that would also be a great choice with some color.
As for the dog discussion, I believe that mean dogs are mainly a result of owner's treatment. I'm currently due to testify in a dangerous dog hearing involving 2 very aggressive yellow labs in my neighborhood. I'm sure their behavior is a result of negligence by the owners. That being said, I also had an uncle by marriage that raised pit bulls. Mostly they are really sweet, loyal pets just like any other type of dog. They are also animals and as such, their behavior is unpredictable. Anyone who believes otherwise is being foolish in my opinion. Well treated animals have less propensity to bite or attack but it can still happen. I personally know of several incidents where dogs have bitten or attacked without provocation or prior aggression. It's wise to realize that you cannot predict what any animal will do 100% of the time, be it fish, dog, or human.