Originally Posted by scu ba
Pit Bulls, Rotts, D. Pinchers, German Sheperds and Dalmations, all should be keeped in kennels and away from children.
I'm glad this topic is back on track because I'm not even going to respond to nonsense like that. I dont know you, as a person and I'm not throwing this directly at you, but remarks like that are the sole reason why those breeds have such bad reputations. I have been around Pits, Rotts, Dobies and Shepards my whole life...ones that were raised in good, loving homes...and never once, in my entire life, did I see any aggression towards anyone (especially a child).
Pit Bulls, Rotts, D. Pinchers, German Sheperds and Dalmations, all should be keeped in kennels and away from children.
I'm glad this topic is back on track because I'm not even going to respond to nonsense like that. I dont know you, as a person and I'm not throwing this directly at you, but remarks like that are the sole reason why those breeds have such bad reputations. I have been around Pits, Rotts, Dobies and Shepards my whole life...ones that were raised in good, loving homes...and never once, in my entire life, did I see any aggression towards anyone (especially a child).