Bamboo shark tips


This is perfect Ijust logged on to ask about this my bamboo is still in the egg "shell" and I was wondering about whats the best way to get him to solid food plus is it ok to lettuce clip him to the side of the tank?


Originally Posted by draconis321
This is perfect Ijust logged on to ask about this my bamboo is still in the egg "shell" and I was wondering about whats the best way to get him to solid food plus is it ok to lettuce clip him to the side of the tank?
Mine was clipped for about 2 months.In good flow area of tank.

crypt keeper

Active Member
what would be a good size tank to get to start eating in? that small? 35 long? 40 Gallon? Smaller? I mean its not that big. The main issue I always read is getting it to eat is the major issue.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
how is the shark doing?
So far so good. Thanx for asking CR. Yoke sack getting pretty small. It's about crunch time, No luck yet finding him a new home. LFS is not interested. They probably now his chances are not the est. Wish I could find someone local with proper sedtup.


Active Member
get a bigger tank! sell the 75 or swap it. keep the shark man you will regret it when u give it away. it looks gorgeous. craigslist for a tank..i got a 150 with a stand and filter for 300


Originally Posted by premilove
get a bigger tank! sell the 75 or swap it. keep the shark man you will regret it when u give it away. it looks gorgeous. craigslist for a tank..i got a 150 with a stand and filter for 300
Yeah I know ur right. But All the expense of adding another few hundred for LR & LS. right before XMAS!!!!! Tank is really the cheap part.


Active Member
just make it a tank for the shark, and some other fish..keep the LR you have now and add it to the new tank..XMAS is coming, so make it a gift to yourself

nah but if you are able to get a new tank, you still have some time..not too long tho. maybe if you take some rock out and make some room for your tank you can add another month to the time you have until he needs a bigger home


Well an update on newborn Bamboo. Unfortunately when I got home today The poor little guy was Dead. Thanx for all those who shared there knowledge on this thread. I definately have learned a lesson here I just wish I would have found this site and educated myself before I made this purchase.

el guapo

Active Member
I am so sorry to hear about this . We have all fell pray to the LFS at some point in time . It happens . Take the knowledge and experience you learned and move forward . Maybe later on when the situation is different you can try a shark again .


Very sorry to hear that you lost the bamboo pup.
But I can't say it was completely unexpected. The fact is most bamboo pups hatch in by private aquarists rarely make it past a month. but there is a number of reasons why newly hatched bamboo pup die within the first month. From inexperienced aquarists to possible internal infection, starvation (not able to get it to eat) or even stress related to hatching.
This is also is why it's generally said that an aquarists interested in getting a shark should start with a specimen that is at least a couple of months old - and feeding on it's own.
Sorry I don't have any tips for you. But I am curious; did you do something to hatch your shark egg? I recently purchased a Banded Cat Shark Egg for a 200 gallon aquarium and i was wondering if there was anything that I am suppost to do in order for it to hatch? Other than just let it go.
Sorry to hear about your loss, and that you had such a rotten LFS. I live in on the Indaina/Ohio boarder and here a 75 Gallon Reef setup (Complete, minue the LR is 960) and a 150 is 1600.00 so they LFS scamed up big time.
As far as the shark pup, I agree 75 is a good size to hatch him in, but even my LFS does not recommand a bamboo shark for anyone with less than 125, perferrable 150 gallon tank. I had one in 150 gallon tank that was hatched for years. Gave him to a friend on mine that had a 1500gallon tank when I moved.
At least mine was like having an aquatic dog