It's ironic, I am skimming through these threads about the controversial holidays and their meaning, but I can't help but wonder why all these people who take offense to our belief in Christ, still think it's OK to lie to the kids about Santa and the easter bunny.
No no, kids, we did not work for what you see here it magically appeared while you were asleep because you were good this year. He feeds his reigndeer MAGIC dust, they fly, elves, etc... I can find a lot more problems with pushing THOSE beliefs on a kid than letting him catch the occasional glimps that Christmas has a deeper meaning for Christians.
No no, kids, we did not work for what you see here it magically appeared while you were asleep because you were good this year. He feeds his reigndeer MAGIC dust, they fly, elves, etc... I can find a lot more problems with pushing THOSE beliefs on a kid than letting him catch the occasional glimps that Christmas has a deeper meaning for Christians.