Ban Santa and the Easter bunny!!



It's ironic, I am skimming through these threads about the controversial holidays and their meaning, but I can't help but wonder why all these people who take offense to our belief in Christ, still think it's OK to lie to the kids about Santa and the easter bunny.
No no, kids, we did not work for what you see here it magically appeared while you were asleep because you were good this year. He feeds his reigndeer MAGIC dust, they fly, elves, etc... I can find a lot more problems with pushing THOSE beliefs on a kid than letting him catch the occasional glimps that Christmas has a deeper meaning for Christians.


Active Member
Yeah, if you are gonna lie to your kids about Santa and the Easter Bunny you may as well include Jesus in the mix, he’s as fictional as the others….


Active Member
If you're saying that young children shouldn't enjoy Santa and the Easter Bunny I couldn't disagree more.... or am I not understanding what you're saying?


Active Member
Jesus in the mix, he’s as fictional as the others….
Except for the part where he is an actual historically documented person...

Frankly I don't lie to my kids, if they ask if Santa is real I will tell them the truth, I grew up not believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. Honestly I don't get it, why set your kids up for something that is a lie, and have them upset when they find out the truth. makes no sense to me.
Tizzo wasn't saying there is anything wrong with Santa per say, just that, why is it"okay" to perpetuate a lie to kids and it is "bad" to correlate religeon with a holiday even though it has been a religeous holiday for centuries.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Yeah, if you are gonna lie to your kids about Santa and the Easter Bunny you may as well include Jesus in the mix, he’s as fictional as the others….

You can avoid believing in Christ as the Son of God, but to deny His very existence is the height of ignorance.


Active Member
Please understand I will not start a debate ..... but IMO youth should enjoy the wonders of youth, and yes that includes Santa, Easter Bunny, and even the tooth fairy for that matter. They'll have enough "reality" to deal with for the rest of thier lives. Do what you want, but that's just how I feel.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Yeah, if you are gonna lie to your kids about Santa and the Easter Bunny you may as well include Jesus in the mix, he’s as fictional as the others….
Are you saying that Santa and the easter bunny are real?


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
Are you saying that Santa and the easter bunny are real?

Lol, as real as Jesus.
I don’t believe that there are any surviving Roman records that refer to Jesus…then again, it’s not like the Romans ever took note of important people...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Lol, as real as Jesus.
I don’t believe that there are any surviving Roman records that refer to Jesus…then again, it’s not like the Romans ever took note of important people...
I believe that should be phrased "any surviving Roman records, dating to the first century, that refer to Jesus"
A brief glance at middle eastern history will prove that Jesus "the man" existed...
Christian, muslim and Jewish scholars all concur on that point.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Lol, as real as Jesus.
I don’t believe that there are any surviving Roman records that refer to Jesus…then again, it’s not like the Romans ever took note of important people...

Wow!!!! I didn't know the Romans were the only people that kept a record back then.....
The guy or person was real. That has never been in debate as facts and evidence proved his existance through out history in various documents, some not religious. So....your point is false. If need be I can provide the sources for will take time.


Active Member
I am finished with this thread. I have no desire to offend anyone and if I continue I certainly will.


Active Member
Perhaps JMick is refering to the conception of Christ... :thinking:
Before I had kids I would have said "Ban Santa and all the rest of the fictional gift giving characters", but it is kind of fun to see their faces in the morning!!!

My daughter (7) is starting to figure it out though, she has been asking ALOT of questions about santa lately...the best one was just last night, she asked "How old is Santa and when is his birthday? and why don't we celebrate it?" It was all I could do to say " I'm not sure with out totally crackin up!!! Kids say/do the darndest things!!!


Active Member
Tizzo, Intresting how you phrased it "" all these people who take offense to our belief in Christ ""
Do you not wonder how Christains can teach their children about those same mythical beings also or do you think that none of them do ?
Although St. Nick was a real person....Just later became mythical.


Originally Posted by Dogstar
Tizzo, Intresting how you phrased it "" all these people who take offense to our belief in Christ ""
Do you not wonder how Christains can teach their children about those same mythical beings also or do you think that none of them do ?
Although St. Nick was a real person....Just later became mythical.
You beat me to it...I was going to mention that actually the origin of Santa Clause, Saint Nicholas was a real person. As people tend to do, we exaggerated over time to what it is today....don't know the easter bunny origin. I do know that Jesus is not a fictional character. But I don't really want to get involved in a religious debate.
I'm a Christian and I intend, when I have children, to let them believe in Santa Claus. This is because I believe the less commercialized version of this is to teach the act of giving. In doing so, you reward your children for doing a good deed as they will learn by also giving to less fortunate children. Thereby as they grow older will find the enjoyment of seeing the happiness giving to others.


Active Member
I guess I should say I am not going to ban Santa Claus or tell my kids Oh he is not real, when they are little, we talk a little about Santa and the toys in their stockings will be from Santa but that is it. If they get to the age when they start asking if he is real then I will tell them. I am not a total kill joy, I just have a friend who has totally gone crazy trying to keep her 11yr old son believing even though he keeps questioning it, and that type of thing seems odd to me.


Wow you guys are going way overboard... My point is, how can people sit there and act all offended because Jesus, who they DO NOT believe in, is being represented but they have no problem with Santa. Either they wanna be all literal or not.
Yes, I love Santa. Yes I think children should grow up believing in Santa. It's fun, it's magical etc... But that is MY opinion. My opinion is also to teach my kids that this holiday is (for us) to celebrate the birth of Christ.
But my own opinion of the holiday aside, I think it's ironic that the same people who say leave Christ out of it cause he's not real (or whatever), have no problem pushing Santa. My little brother almost got beat up and was on the verge of tears because he was defending santa on the school bus (years back). Now he looks back on that day with utter humiliation and he's the reason I told our son when he was 10. Parents (not yu Birdy) but parents will do all that they can to "protect" the image of santa. Including lie, sneak, etc...
But they wanna get all bent outa shape cause SOME people, wanna have a spiritual perspective of the holiday..


Originally Posted by Birdy
I just have a friend who has totally gone crazy trying to keep her 11yr old son believing even though he keeps questioning it, and that type of thing seems odd to me.

Tell your friend if the kid is old enough to ask then it's time for the truth. They won't stay niave and innocent forever.


Active Member
I was "clued in" at a fairly young age that there wasn't a Jolly Old Man that came down our chimney, but that "Santa" was the spirit of giving and it is in everyone.


Staff member
No, no! Don't take Santa away too! Children love Santa! And when the time comes for them to grow up and find out the truth, then parents can start taking credit.
Besides, everyone knows there is a Santa....................................Shush, ya'll....Tommy still thinks there's a Santa Claus, so don't disappoint him, darn it. :mad: