Banana Eel? any experience


Will a banana eel be ok to keep with agressive fish that are larger then the eel? DME or AW2 any input ????Thanks!


Active Member
its going to depend soly on that particular eel and its size if very young and small you might have a chance for a while in the same tank but as he matures he may indeed take your agressive fish out to a picnic


Thanks, even larger fish?? i dont want to end up with a snowflake for my community tank, its just too boring.


Active Member
i recently purchased a tessalata eel that was returned to the LFS after clearing out 3 tanks of fish from each tank. he didnt eat them all but he did kill everything
also i do have a smaller jeweled moray(mexican dragon) he is in my agressive rightnow but will be going into his own tank very soon hes too agressive and chases my other fish about andi have nothing smaller than 5 inch fish him some fish as large as 12 hes not picky


Active Member
well concidering the name of a banana eel is one made up by suppliers scientific name of this genus is Gymnothorax miliaris also closely related to tesselata ,goldtail,whitmouth and other species of moray eel also refered to as golden moray and canary moray i stated above i is soly on your eel where one is grat with other fish you dont know until its too late do some reading on this eel before adding it to a comunity tank there are alot of differnt eels in the family of Gymnothorax


This is common name is not know honestly professionally for if you look hard enough they list it with the same scientific name that as the goldentail moray and no two species can be sharing the same name, or you think they should. But nevertheless, this eel cannot be with very aggressive tank mates such as triggers, puffers and groupers etc
It would help to know what size tank and its habitants to better be able to give you a more direct answer to yes or no on getting the eel.
I was with the family today


Thanks DME its a 180 planning agressive FOWLR tank is still in cycle but i am trying to figure a stocking list. I would like to add an eel other then a snowflake and i dont want to have a species only tank for the eel.


If your having a SFE, you cannot be having aggressive fish in which the eels do fine together just as long as one not become aggressive towards the other. The eel will feed on small fish as well you know, so not pick your fish to small.


Active Member
this is what I have found in reference to a banana eel.
this wasnt easy to find lol
Latin Name Gymnothorax miliaris
Common Name Yellow Canary Eel
Also known as Golden Eel, Banana Moray Eel, Canary Moray, Canary Moray Eel
Fast Facts Considered the Holy Grail of Morays, this rare eel is always in demand. ! This species is generally mild mannered for a moray, although like most eels, it may eat fish it can swallow. It usually does well with other eels of similar size. It is not unusual for eels to fast for several weeks or even longer before they begin feeding in a new tank how much fact there is to these statement i dont know but it was off another site selling them this was what they stated


Thanks DME I do not want a SFE I would like some other type that could possibly get along with agressive tank mates without killing them all, any suggestions?


Hi unleashed :joy: Do you care to share with the class in just how many sites have that name? You know, the Canary Moray, Canary Moray Eel and so, how many sites you see this? I can almost bet that its not more then 2-3 at most, if that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DME
Hi unleashed :joy: Do you care to share with the class in just how many sites have that name? You know, the Canary Moray, Canary Moray Eel and so, how many sites you see this? I can almost bet that its not more then 2-3 at most, if that.
wel buddy to be honest i wasnt looking for the canary eel for him but what he asked for the banana eel both named the same way from different web sites but both have the same scientific name and thats the name it came up as for information. most web sites selling this particular species dont give the scientific name to reference it by.its kinda hard to prove to a retailer they just made up a name to look smart if ya cant find info on it now can ya?. so be it 1 web site calling it one thing and another 1 or 2 calling it by another name its still the same damned fish and he asked for information in reguards to this particular eel and it took me quite a few searches 30 or more to even find something with any type of information reguarding it other than how much it cost.every little bit of knowledge is useful


Active Member
your welcome juddster keep searching by scientific name it may take a while to find correct or even close to correct information on it even the scientic results are hazy this is id say the hardest eel to research concidering its popularity with retail and ive done some major eel research in the past 4 yrs I have a black moray io have had for over a yr ow and still cannot find what it is all i know it its 2 ft long now peaceful and doesnt bother anyone but have no clue as to other than being a moray


Thanks for the research Unleashed!!!! I have done a bunch of searchs as well, some conflicting info out there! I will keep searching, thanks again!


I think I mention that we can all leave the name banana moray with it for its no known other common name but as for a scientific name, it surely isn't the Gymnothorax miliaris, for which the eel is an Gymnothorax family group and only because its shape and size matches that of the goldentail that some people has attached that name to both. hat one site you must had found that told you that is most likely the only site that list it as so.
There is always some conflicting info about within many moray species and as for retailers, you just never know now why one would but nevertheless, this eel can in no way have the same name that as the goldentail, scientific speaking. It is just like the retailers that sells the jewel moray that as the mexican dragon moray and raise the price three times or more then what one would in any LFS.
ya cant find info on it now can ya
I had already told you of that, that there is no known scientific name and that the only common name I ever heard is the banana moray. You may be a bit surprised that your search attempt will be fruitless for there happens to be many eels that not have a name for you no idea on how many aren't with a name as well many with just a scientific name for lord knows there are many.
This eel you have, think maybe you can upload a pic?
For as well, there are a good many eels that are listed as common morays for they have no know true identifications, for I guess because the eel is name something from one site that that is the name for I said that being that there is no know other common name for the banana eel and I know that its true scientific name is unknown as well that I will have to accept the name banana moray.


Active Member
hey buddy I dont mind a good debate once in a while but if you cant find any other information than the rest of us to back up facts vs oppinions that you have an idea or hunch on please dont bash the rest of us for trying to help the guy out on have an oppinion thats fine but im sharing what facts i have been able to find thus far and yes they will give the same name to more than one fish apearances of some do vary depending on origan. or different name to same fish.things like this get to be very confusing example


Here is a picture of mine. He was lisedt as a golden brazlian moray. The ones I have seen on the net have been listed as banana eels. He is in a 210 and is not very agressive. I would think he would be a great addition to a fish only tank with peiceful tankmates. Mine is wilth a blonde naso and another unkown eel that is alittle smaller. Right now my banana eel is about 14 in long.