Band Name Post


Geez, tough crowd!
As I mentioned above, they aren't that great.
Well, i haven't actually recorded anything just yet, there will be some material recorded in the next couple of days so I'll let you hear it soon.
Its actually just myself in the "band", I play drums, guitar, and bass, which makes the criticism all the more personal :] I'm also in an actual band, but I wanted to put together a page for my own stuff. I believe someone asked my age, which is 16.
Idk if any of the previously stated info will sway any views, but I kinda need to narrow these names down, or scrap them. Ha, one or the other.


Active Member
From my experience, a name needs to be something you're confident about, and something you stand for. For example, if you wanted to name your band "Abandoned Empire" then you're the kind of band that writes music about breaking the mold or going against the popular belief.
I think it's a good idea to come up with a purpose... why do you write music? What do you write about? What motivates you? Even if all the songs you're doing are covers of other songs, there has to be a reason behind your desire to do this. What is that? Start there.
Again, it's a lot easier to promote something if you believe it's good. If I try to sell you something but I don't think it's very good, I doubt you'll be interested in buying it. But if I am overwhelmed with excitement about it, you'd probably be more interested.
Passion is contagious. If you have it, people will gravitate toward you because they see something unique. A lot of people have become used to the daily grind of life, and as sad as it seems, a passionate heart is seldom found these days. If you can share that passion (not only in the name and promoting it, but also in the music) I think you're giving yourself a great start.
Of course you need to have talent too. You can't just come up with a name and rock out every gig and sound terrible doing it. But I think the talent and the passion go hand-in-hand. Some have one or the other, but it's the combination of both that makes a truly successful person.


The name sums up the band. Not always, but it pretty much says what they stand for. My ex husband's band was Homicide... well they didn't really write about just that. They kicked around the name of Vile Child.... eh, they are not all kids. It became just Vyle. If you listened to them, it suits perfectly.
Austin, the name has to reflect at least the style of music. It is cool that you are solo. It is so very hard to help with a name if we haven't heard the music though.


YearOfTheNick - Thanks, I realize now that I must put WAY more thought into the name.
Sepulatian - Dido
Well, I put together a band page awhile back now, but I don't really like the theme, so you can disregard that, but I have a song on there that I wrote awhile ago, my music has changed a bit since then, but take a listen if you'd like.
Btw, how about The Product Of My Own Design? Its a trapt song so i guess not, lol


Active Member
That was pretty good! If you come with more ideas for a name let us know and good luck! IMO a shorter name may be better.


Thanks! Whenever a name comes into mind, I'll let you know. I've been thinking about names all day, but nothing comes to mind. Its driving me crazy, lol


I actually like "Product of my own demise" I know you had "of your own design".
I listened to the track. Without vocals I don't know if it is hard core or not. The music sounded that way, but vocals can totally change a sound. It sounds killer so far.