banded bamboo shark egg birthing


we purchased one about few months or so ago; but it did not hatch; it had already been a large well formed embryo about ready to hatch; but for some reason did not hatch from it's egg; we now have a 2nd that we thought would take another month before being ready to hatch that hadn't even had formed eyes at the time we got it; now it has become large in it' egg; is very active; is well formed; egg seems to be becoming more & more transparent in past week; this one also seems to be very aggressively trying to free itself from it's egg; the yolk sac appears to be almost negligiable in size
we are thinking of physically cutting a hole for it to come out of...any advice or suggestions???


well we did that w/ the last one & it died; it was definately healthy looking when we opened it up after we noticed it died; remember, our tanks are not exactly nature's own...
I just remember few post of couple of people who did cut their egg open w/ success & was hoping to hear whatmade them decide to do it & how they went about it & when?


I agree with triggs, just leave it alone it'll eventually come out. Also the yolk sac will go away while its still in the egg.


I say cut it out when the yolk gets the size of a pencil eraser or smaller, then you should be fine, I did that with mine and he's great


hey silkks how is your shark doing though? how was it when you did? why did you decide to do so?
sorry if being pushy, but just trying to decide what is best & how to go about it...


How big is the shark? How big is the yolk? When the sharks are ready to hatch they about 4-5 inches and usually have no yolk sac. I'd wait a few days before considering cutting the egg open.


New Member
i purchased a shark egg also.. i got in contact with shirley aquatics in the uk, who hatches lots per year and raise them to 8 weeks old. they said the egg can take anything to around 160 days to develop. the shark will hatch after about 10 days of the yoke detaching.. mine went to 21 days, so i cut him out (against advise)(was a nightmare) he is now 5 weeks old and doing great. im no expert, just thought id add my 0.2


New Member
We had our shrk egg forever. Felt like 6 mos. Finally came out and has been great. Unfortunately, now, 6mos after hatching he's not so great. Hoping he lives through the nite. Good luck w/ yours. 72 gal very few fish


Just let the egg alone. I have some bamboo eggs take many months to hatch. It is normal. Lots of things determine how quickly the egg with hatch. Like water movement, temperature, tank conditions, and whether or not other fish are playing with the egg sac and moving it around the tank. In any case it is not for you to mess around with the process of the shark being born. When it is ready it will hatch.


New Member
adnanz out of interest, what did you feed him? as i know they can suffer from vitamin difficency due to the wrong diet


well we were going to, but the egg itself appears to be becoming more & more translucent w/ a few "disolved minute holes in it now; we keep the egg hanging on the front glass nearest the spray bar w/ a PH pointed at it from the back; nothing appears ever to disturb it at of yet except occassionally a snail; it is now very well formed, but still has a ok sized yolk sac;
what do you feed your & did you have problems w/ getting it to eat?


New Member
feeding took a couple of days, but now as soon as food hits the surface of the tank his is looking for it, the egg sack on mine totally disapeared and the shark was trebled over himself inside the egg and if anything the egg got darker


well IT'S DONE !!! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> the egg deteriated enough to have large gaps for it to have fit through; we found it this morning hanging from the egg w/ yolk still in the egg; luckily we had PH pointed at it so was able to get direct current to help it breath constantly...have fully removed it from the egg now; it's only about 4-5" & yolk is about large grape size...have placed sliver of tank glass cover at 45` angle &plushed against 2 sides of the glass blocked off open end w/ frame from hang on filter cartridge w/ PH pointed in; WOW the life that popped out of the DSB is amazing; tons of pods, many micro snails, many worms...nothing seems to bother him as of yet except for the large hermit trying to bust in w/ him...shark is very active & seems to be taunting the hermit crab to come in; will probably get small plastic betta "tank" to put shark into so it is not as exposed until yolk sac shrinks farther or drops off


New Member
congrats, i'm gonna try a egg as soon as i can get rid of my puffer, heard he will eat a egg in no time flat :( , i hope i can raise one