banded cat shark


New Member
hello i am new to this hobbie. I just purchased a tank a few weeks ago (150 gallons) and just put a banded shark in there. He is not doing much. hides mostly. I put in some shrimp and some squid and he is not eating. Just sits there breathing kind of funny. Is this normal?


Post this in the aggresive forum. Very poor decision here. Your tank is still very new and sharks have huge bio loads, not to mention your tank is too small.


Active Member
Some folks will tell you the smallest tank a shark can be kept in is a 180. The beasts of the sea are a tough species to keep in an aquarium much less with little experience. Gasguzzler and some other experts will be able to help you. I am guessing the lfs said it was okay to keep the shark in your tank.
Sounds like he is stressed. Please tell us what type filtration you have, substrate, etc. Also, have you done any water testing today? If not...test and post the readings.
How long has the tank been set-up? Did the tank cycle? What else is in the tank with the shark? How long have you had the shark?
I sugest posting this on the Agressive Board.


Some folks will tell you the smallest tank a shark can be kept in is a 180
No one that keeps sharks will tell you that. Ask mattiej, tony detroit, or gasguzzler for help. That is still too small.


New Member
the tank use to belong to my brother in law, he moved away and let me have it. He had a leopard in there a few months ago. i changed the water, and had it cycle for about 2 1/2 weeks. put in some damsels. out of 10 damsels one died in two weeks. i put the shark in this morning. was advised by the guy at the store, water was fine. and was ready for the shark.


Active Member
22Caddy.. Even some internet sites recommend tanks sizes way too small in my opinion. I was not explicit in my post as I wanted to say but that is too small. My bad but it has been a long day.


New Member
Yeah he did, he had it more than a year. he sold it. Again i am new to this so i am learning along the way. The guy at the store was the one who told me this would be just fine for the animal, otherwise i would not have purchased it.


Active Member
Fouf....I understand you meant no harm to the animal. Unfortunately, the local fish store can often give the wrong advice. Not all but many just want your money and/or have little or no experiance with salt water fish.....or their employees have little or no experience.


New Member
thank you for the reply. will he be ok?? he seems to be moving around more now, but still has not eaten?