banded cat shark.


New Member
hello i am new to this hobbie. I just purchased a tank a few weeks ago (150 gallons) and just put a banded shark in there. He is not doing much. hides mostly. I put in some shrimp and some squid and he is not eating. Just sits there breathing kind of funny. Is this normal?


My guess would be that your banded shark is not very happy in a newly set-up tank. It could be due to an inproper acclimation. Just keep an eye on him.


Has your tank cycled?My brown banded bamboo went about 3 weeks before it started eating.It is pretty common for them to fast like this as they are slow to aclimate.Try putting in some freshwater ghost shrimp to see if he responds to that.IAverage gill movement of a healthy speciman shoul be around 22 gill movements per minute.


I can't say for sure. Usually you need years of fish keeping experience before attempting to have one. Had your tank finished cycling when you added the banded shark? Sharks are sensitive to the presence of metals and stray voltage. There are many other factors, too. Hopefully you have a functional skimmer at least.


Tank is too small for a shark, IMO. Shark may be small now, but your tank should be able to house the shark for its' entire life. What kind of filtration do you have? Sharks need super quality water and at least an 8-10x water turnover rate.


New Member
:scared: uh oh small shark in small tank get out while you can these guys will eat you alive


New Member
he is eating now, a few of the damsels are missing, and he ate quite a bit of squid. but he is not swiming much.


Active Member
Bamboos are not open water swimming sharks they usually just hover along te bottom.. Also your tank is to small. My neighbors shark pond is 500g. and it house 2 bamboos that are about 2 feet each and it is just barely accomadates the sharks and his pond has probably triple the bottom space as your 150g. I would bring it back to the lfs are find someone who is experienced enough and has an apropriate size tank for it. Try to research any future additions to your tank before buying and you should let your tank mature before adding something so sensitive. Not trying to flame you just point you in the right direction you obviously didn't mean to do buy something that won't live comfortably in your tank I imagine your lfs told you that it would be fine...:D


im soo proud that we are helping him not flaming him (yet)... This is what should always do,, just point him in the right direction and hope he listens


New Member
it is normal .because cat sharks dont need to swim in order to push water across their gills,they typically will just lay there.hiding if possible until nighttime when they like most sharks become sharks also typically eat shrimp,crabs,and mussels.they are use to moving sand to find their prey.If you want a shark that swims around try a nurse but a 150 is way to small.also make sure your tank is grounded with a grounding probe since sharks are very sensitive to electromagnetic fields.


If you want a shark that swims around try a nurse
Please never say that again. Never recommend a shark that grows to 14 feet and should not be kept.


dont say try a nurse,, he already has a big problem with the shark he has and only a 55 gallon tank,, let alone a nurse shark, who as a baby is the length of a 55 gallon


New Member
i also said that even a 150 is way too small.most if not all sharks should not be kept by the home aquarist.