banded cat shark


Active Member
its not the care..its the money.. you need a very large tank, very large filtration system, alot of water changes for large tanks, alot of large pumps for big tanks, sharks eat alot of food and the list goes on.. Pups are hard to get to eat.. they can only be housed with certain animals etc.. do a search on here theres alot of "shark" dos and donts posts.. also a begginners guide to shark keeping


banded cats are not that hard to take care of. But I agree that a beginner would have a hard time keeping one alive. They are VERY sensitive to water params and changes. Cat sharks could do just fine in a 125 gallon for awhile, but think of about a 240 for lifetime on one of those guys. Also there is not much else can go in the tank with the shark, they like to have sandy bottoms and next to nothing in the tank with them for swimming room. Makes for a boring tank, but if that is what you want to do and would be happy with it go for it, but make sure you understand what it takes to take care of them in the long run.


Active Member
a 125 will work for a small amount of time.. maybe 4 months or so then you have to upgrade,, youll need IMO a nice sump/refugium with as much live rock, macro etc in it, and one heck of a skimmer,, the skimmer on a 125 should be rated for about double so say a skimmer rated for 300 gallons.. then you would be alright


Active Member
Well for a 125g you can have a shark longer if you do a marbled catshark or coral catshark. Either way you'll have to upgrade, but you may get a little bit longer in with a marbled or coral catshark. Check out the thread: Thinking of a Small Shark or Ray? for more help.


Active Member
IMO yes by the books thats the size the marble cat would need, but once you care for sharks and see there patterns and quickness etc. its a sin to only have "the minimum" i mean i had my shark( one of the SMALLEST bamboos in the family) in a 96x30x25 and it still wouldnt have been big enough for life for him...and he was only a year old!
the guidline sizes are crap!