Bang Guy can you give me some advise?


Active Member

Originally posted by roadrunner
with your baffles - how far apart are the sections were thier are the set of three?

the baffles are 1 inch apart, enough room for me to clean in between.
you can do a search on here to find the er blem units, if not send me a pm.


msd2 - i looked at the lifereef overflow boxes and i like what i saw. i was wondering, if i'm getting an overflow that moves 700 gph, what type of return pump should i look at, as in the gph returned to the tank?
also - i'm worried about a flow, the tank is in my bedroom and this is my parents house, so what type of precautions can i take to insure that a flood wont happen?


Active Member

Originally posted by roadrunner
with your baffles - how far apart are the sections were thier are the set of three?

the sections are 1 inch apart. Enough room for cleaning.
Did u find the er blems?


yes i did, thanks
msd2 - i looked at the lifereef overflow boxes and i like what i saw. i was wondering, if i'm getting an overflow that moves 700 gph, what type of return pump should i look at, as in the gph returned to the tank?
also - i'm worried about a flood, the tank is in my bedroom and this is my parents house, so what type of precautions can i take to insure that a flood wont happen?


Active Member

Originally posted by roadrunner
yes i did, thanks
msd2 - i looked at the lifereef overflow boxes and i like what i saw. i was wondering, if i'm getting an overflow that moves 700 gph, what type of return pump should i look at, as in the gph returned to the tank?
also - i'm worried about a flood, the tank is in my bedroom and this is my parents house, so what type of precautions can i take to insure that a flood wont happen?

Well the lifereef is a good first measure. I cant really afford a flood either. Drill a small hole just below the water line on the return pump to the tank. That way if the pump shuts off unexpectedly it will break the siphon and only bring a little bit of water back down.
I also hard plumbed all the plumbing. Not really necessary but I know I dont have to worry about a clamp coming loose and a hose slipping off. If you do decide to use pvc tubing I highly highly suggest using a union or two, it gives you an easy way to take it apart for cleaning, etc, but also gives you some additional points to adjust your plumbing w/o stressing any joints.
If you go with a lifereef you will want to build a durso or standman pipe. They make the overflow totally quiet, and are easy to build as well as cheap. I looked at my overflow and its a amircal, which is a knockoff of the lifereef. It was worked perfectly as well.
I would say if you do those things ur chances of an overflow are pretty slim, just make sure ur sump is large enough to absorb the water down to where the overflow stops flowing, probably around 3-6 gallons.
As far as pumps I have always love Iwaki pumps, quiet, not too much power and good flow. I tried on a whim a quiet one 4000 and I gotta say its a kickbutt little pump, it keeps up with my Iwaki and was half the cost. the longivity is yet to be seen but its been going 2 or 3 months and is still strong. The other perk with the quiet 4000 is it can be submerged or external, really nice and really rare. Honestly when the Iwaki goes and the quiet one is still performing like it is I will buy a second one.
The thing is you need to keep the flow rate close to the overflows limit because the only way the u tube overflow fails is when bubbles collect in the top of the tube and are not pulled through, eventually accumilating and breaking the siphon. BTW my overflow was rated at 700 also, and its nowhere near that. If I didnt have a ball vavle on the pump it would outpump the overflow. I am guessing it is able to do about 500gph. If this is too much flow for your tank you can control it by replacing the size of the overflow u tube. Any lfs will have them in different diameters, and its kinda a trial by fire thing. You can watch it for awhile and see if bubbles build upon the to of the u and if so get a smaller tube if not then consider it done. Same can be done the other direction, you can increase flow with a larger u tube. I didnt bother to be honest because well the tank I get on saturday has the overflow built in :happy:
I would say if you get the tube correct for the overflow, drill the return line, and build a large enough sump your chances of overflow are pretty low. The only flood I have had is when I made DI water, and that was my own stupidity (fell asleep with it running into a container).


ok - so were do i put a hole? if the power goes out and comes back on, the lifereef overflow will start back up, but what about the return pump, will that start right back up?
also - what is a durso or standman pipe? and what doees it do?


Active Member

Originally posted by roadrunner
ok - so were do i put a hole? if the power goes out and comes back on, the lifereef overflow will start back up, but what about the return pump, will that start right back up?
also - what is a durso or standman pipe? and what doees it do?

the hole is right below the water line on the return pump tube into the tank.
Yes, the return pump will start pumping again, the overflow will only start once the pump is putting water back into the tank.
durso is a simple tube that stops the gurgling noise of the overflow. Do a search on google and you will find simple plans for it. I have seen two designs, the one I went with is a tube, a 1/2 bigger adapter and sleeve. it kinda looks like this if u were to turn it on its side: ---==-


Active Member
couple of pics might make it easier. I lied when snapping the pic I noticed I have about 2 inches of soft tubing. Im trying to remember why I put it in :notsure: maybe vibration. In either case here is a pic of the holes, then the durso.


do all overflows have the fitting in it for the durso?
thanks for the picture it helps!
You think that it would be safer for me to run pvc piping from the overflow to the fuge and then from the pump back to the main tank?
also, thank you for your piatence in helping me and answering questions these past couple of days. but, i'm sure that i will ask more!


Active Member

Originally posted by roadrunner
do all overflows have the fitting in it for the durso?
thanks for the picture it helps!
You think that it would be safer for me to run pvc piping from the overflow to the fuge and then from the pump back to the main tank?
also, thank you for your piatence in helping me and answering questions these past couple of days. but, i'm sure that i will ask more!

Im not sure if all have a fitting for the durso. The CPR I had before could of accepted one, and obviously the amrical can.
I used pvc because I always worried about it coming apart from the fittings. I also have had over time the tubing slowly collapse reducing flow. PVC cant come apart, and cant collapse. The other thing about PVC is that algae wont really grow in the pipes. With the clear tubing I had some growth in the tubes.


msd2 - just wondering, if i were to get a hang on skimmer can i make the 2nd section of the refugium smaller and give more space to the fuge itself?


Active Member
hey sorry for the delay road, I have been busy today transferring all the rock/livestock to the new tank. :joy: Started at 10am and just finished. Im gonna be sore tomorrow all this hauling/lifting etc. Anyway I will have to snap some pics tomorrow :) To briefly answer your questions because to be honest in tired and I got to go to lowes tomorrow I will be to the point.
I know a little bit about lighting, but no expert for sure.
The fuge as been up for about 3 months i think.
the cool thing about making a sump is you can make it anyway you want :) Just dont make the 2nd and 3rd section so small that it cant absorb the water needed in case the pump fails.
Im off to bed, lol the tank looks so barren now compared to before.


it's not a big deal, i hope that the new tank is coming along easily and if not i'm sure that it will look great when your done with it!
i would love to see some pictures and i'll have to post a few of mine!
have fun finishing up on the tank and i know that we'll talk later!


so how is the setup going?
had a questions - today i purchased the aqua c remora hang on skimmer b/c i need a quick fix to my nitrates, but i was wondering. . .
the tank i'm going to use for the refugium is a 10 gal - is this going to be to small or will it work?
if it wont i have an idea and i was woundering what you thought of it -
could i setup the tank as a refugium but eliminate the second section?
crapy example - |_:__| the larger section could be for the fuge and the second section could be for the return.
with this setup i think that i could either leave the skimmer on the main tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by roadrunner
so how is the setup going?
had a questions - today i purchased the aqua c remora hang on skimmer b/c i need a quick fix to my nitrates, but i was wondering. . .
the tank i'm going to use for the refugium is a 10 gal - is this going to be to small or will it work?
if it wont i have an idea and i was woundering what you thought of it -
could i setup the tank as a refugium but eliminate the second section?
crapy example - |_:__| the larger section could be for the fuge and the second section could be for the return.
with this setup i think that i could either leave the skimmer on the main tank.

Its going :p LOL overall pretty well its been kinda crazy its a 100 gal tank and I have been trying to squish in 350-400lbs of live rock. Finally got the rock and everyone in there homes happily but still having issues with getting the scwd to flow .
I think a 10 gal would be fine, your tanks 26 gal right? Since your using a 10gal and they are pretty cheap id custom make it for ur remora and ur return pump only giving them the exact amount of space they need giving the rest to the fuge. Or you could do the idea you said, either way whichever you prefer.


i'm glad that everything is going sorta easily, lol. i can beleive that you put in all that rock i definatly have to see a pick of that!
hope you can fijure out what up with the scwd.
did everything live in the move?
question - wha type of lightig would you recommend in my tank?
i want to either keep several different types of zoo's and ricordia
i'd been thinking of these coral:
hammer coral - would like to sit on the LSB (18 inches deep)
yellow fiji leather
kenya tree coral
and possible a anemone (RBTA) for the clowns


Active Member
Few pics, don't mind the messy apartment around the tank, and I do have a hood that matches the base but im getting lazy, lol and I like the oak, at least for now. side shot :