bang guy, need ur expert help!!!


Active Member
i want to post some new pics of me tank,and an anemone to try and ID it. but i dont know how to resize my pictures..


I'm not Bang guy but if you have Microsoft's Photo Editor you can crop the photo or use the resize option. One of the choices it gives you is the number of pixels per side.


Active Member
i downloaded a program for free for 14 days. heres the pic, kinda blurry i think it might be a strawberry anemone


New Member
Easiest way to downsize photos so that they are usable to post.
1. Open up microsoft paint under accessories
2. Open your picture
3. Click "image" on the toolbar
4. Select "stretch/skew"
5. Decrease horizontal and vertical image percentages until image meets your requirements. (Usually about 30% decrease)