bang guy or other bangaii experts help!


i did a silly thing and i bought two bengaii on a whim... this is not common practice for me but the two seemed to be freindly towards eachother so i bought them. later i found out that they were only recently put in the tank at the fish store and i found the two, or rather the larger of the two to be very agressive. So i exchanged him for another hoping on the 50 50 chance it would be a she. The question is for experts because i hear that it is difficult to tell. How do you --- your bengaiis? I read that it was something in the jaw but i dont know what to look for. To complicate things i have to go out of town so id like to resolve this problem asap. the replacement bengaii and the other are on opposite sides of the tanks as i type so i dont know what to do.
thanks in advance


thanks for the reply... the agression that ive been seeing is one fish chasing the other, and it has only been in the tank two hours. so i believe i will have to separate them ... now here is another question. Now that one or the other will be in the tank will introducing another cause a problem. i was of the impression that i was to introduce two or more simultaneously. should i get rid of both and try again with a group of them?