Bang Guy-


Active Member
in a tank around 20g be too much bioload? it will be the only fish in there.
thanks :happyfish


Active Member
if u do read this bang guy, how big do maroon clowns get when there fully grown and how big do tank raised percs get.i havent had any luck with tank raised percs so if he doesnt get like 2-3" bigger im thinking of purchasing 2


Maroons need about a 30 gallon tank min. I had a gold stripe marron a long time ago, he was about 5- 5 1/2 inches long, had him for a couple of years before he went and died on me.
I would think a 20 gallon would be to small for any maroon. Or an anemone for that matter.


Active Member
ya, but the tank raised clowns allwas die on me
and this maroon at my LFS looks so vibrant. untill i saw the big daddy 5" one.. i dont like them too big. also i saw a full grown female lionfish in the same tank with her babies and she gobbled one up

bang guy

Percula grow up to 2.5" and Maroons up to 6"+
20 gallons is inadequate for Maroons but almost overkill for Percula.