Bang Guy

obx fish

Thank you for your response...Do test kits expire?? Ours is 11 months olds (from date of purchase).
Is there anyway to tell for sure if the substrate died?? The fish seem to be doing fine? They all look good and are acting normal.
We did start feeding with a new food, San Francisco Bay Frozen Brine. One more thing...we did start adding Kalkwasser by Kent within the last two weeks. We did dose the tank with a gallon mixture and didn't let it sit overnight...could that be harmful?
Thanks Again

bang guy

I second the suggestion for having the LFS of a second test kit confirm the numbers. Test kits do expire. Normally they are good for at least a year though. Perhaps yours sat on the shelf for some time before you purchased it.
I would expect to see flared gills and dead animals with a Nitrite level of .8