Bang, or DSB person... DSB in sump?


Active Member
I have a 55 gallon tank as my sump. Could I put a DSB across the entire bottom of it? Maybe add a couple of hermits, and snails to keep it tidy? Then I could put my fuge in the center of the 55. In sump skimmer on top of the DSB in one corner, so it is out of the water some more. My return pump, on the other side. Yea, nay? :cool:

bang guy

Sounds like a good plan. I have a couple of suggestions:
Glue a container to the bottom for your return pump to sit in. This will prevent sand from entering if it gets stirred up. Probably the same for the intake to your skimmer.
Skip the hermit crabs and go with different species of worms instead. Once it's established buying a box of the premium live sand (not the bagged stuff) from this site would be really good.


Active Member
Awesome. That's sounds like some great suggestions. If you have any others, lemmie know. I am going to start this next week. Seems like another interesting challenge. Now let me ask you this:
Do you think lights over the entire sump are necessary, or just the fuge?
Until my fuge gets set up, do you think I need light on the DSB? I hear the DSB might work better without lights because that gives the life more time to grow, thrive and breed.
Do you think an additional 55 gallon tank worth of DSB will really help the display to the point it's worth the effort and money when I already have a DSB in the display?
Thanks Bang. :cool:

bang guy

IMO you only need to light the fuge.
I would use a 14 hour RDP on the fuge even with just a sandbed. A considerable amount of phytoplankton is grown there.
Yes... a fuge like your will make wonderful improvements. When I added mine the health of my fish was very noticeable improved... and I though they were doing great before. You fuge will grow a lot of live food for them. There just isn't anything better.


Active Member
I am psyched. Thanks Bang. One last thing, might be a one of those not- so- bright- questions, but what is an RDP light? Similar to PC or flourescent?

bang guy

Sorry.... RDP = Reverse Daylight Photoperiod. In otherwords the refuge is lit when the display is dark and visa-versa


Active Member
Wow, RDP sounds pretty interesting. What is the reasoning behind that? Because I like that more than leaving the refuge lights on 24-7. If you have the time, drop some science on me. Thanks again Bang!

bang guy

It has been my experience that RDP reduces the PH swing from day to night. In fact, I've found that it eliminates the PH swing.
In the dark algae produces more CO2 instead of O2. This CO2 is acid and lowers the PH.
If the algae in your refugium (lit) are absorbing that CO2 at night that's being produced by the algae in the display tank (dark) then it equalizes PH from day to night.
24/7 does reduce the possibility of caulerpa sporulation (going sexual) but not by much IMO. It grows slightly faster when lit 24/7, but again, not by much.
IMO 24/7 is simply a waster of energy and reduces bulb life.
Some people like to build a refugium in their sump by installing a series of baffles (sumpugium ;) ).. You should have enough room with a 55 gallon to do this if you wish. Try looking at this site for ideas:
Look under 'hardware' then 'sump configuration'
I do think you should avoid letting sand get near your pumps (return pump and skimmer). Sand could kill your pumps.
Broomer5 has made some suggestions like Bang Guy has about using rubbermaid containers as easy dividers/ baffle substitutes on other threads. I got come 1/4" plexiglass from Home Depot and siliconed them in my sump for baffles, very easy.
Hope this helps.
Good Luck