Bangaii Cardinals


I want to get 2 of these. I have 2 shrimp. On this site it says moniter with shrimp. Let me know you experiences which shrimp and bangaiis please. thanks

jessi p

I will be watching this thread for other folks' experiences. I have considered getting a BC as well but had the same reservations regarding the shrimp.


Active Member
Cardinals are meat eaters. If the shrimp or even small fish are small enough they will get eaten. Barry


Active Member
I have a few medium sized peppermint shrimp. My BC's have left them alone so far. They've been together for over 6 months.


I had two BC's and a coral banded shrimp.. They both died withing 4 days. The water was fine... the LFS said they might have not eaten and starved?!? For the 3 days though the shrimp did not seem to bother them.


Active Member
I have a breeding pair of BC's. I have had them for about 1.5 years now. I keep an assortment of shrimp in my tank and have never had my cardinals eat them. I can hardly get them to eat krill at feeding times. However they love mysis shrimp with a passion. I beleive that they would eat them if left without food for weeks on end, but if regularly fed you should have no problems. The shrimp would just be to big, and the BC would not be hungry enough to attempt to eat it.


THey are both fairly large shrimp. A cleaner and a fire. So do you guys with the experience think its safe to try?