Bangaii Sick?


One of my bangaii cardinals has been looking weird since yesterday. She has been leaving her mouth open all the time while swimming around. She never used to do this. Plus, it looks like she has some white powder or like a soar or something on her bottom lip. I know she is not carrying eggs because she is eating. (I'm not really sure if it is a male or female because my bangaiis haven't mated yet).
Tank Info:
75 gal.
2 clown percs
1 naso tang
1 sailfin tang
2 bangaii cardinals
1 lawn mower blenny
1 skunk cleaner
1 long spined urchin
Bunch of snails
A few crabs
2 mushrooms
1 colt coral
1 thing of zoos
Salinity: 1.022
PH: 8.2
Ammonia: .25
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 20
I just added the skunk cleaner, colt coral, and one of the mushrooms this last weekend. Plus, I upgraded 65 more watts in light.
Any idea what this might be??? I'm not sure if it's a disease or what...please help! :help:


Ok, so I did a little more research, and I found Dr. Marini's article on common bangaii ailments. He says one of the most common is known as lip fungus. Basically, he described exactly what my bangaii looks like.
"The first being lip fungus. This usually presents itself as an extension or tear on the lower lips, usually females, and within a few days it appears whitish, and pointed. I have seen this happen on many occasions since banggais reactively dash for cover into the rockwork, cutting their lip, and banggais will drive away opponents with a lip/jaw lock. I have not tried to treat this problem with medication, and invariably in a healthy fish it clears in 2 weeks." - Dr. Frank Marini
I just thought I would post that quotation because others might experience the same problem with their bangaii in the future. I'm hoping it will clear up. Thanks.


Staff member
Thanks, actually Frank does visit now and again. :D If you see any detoriation in the fish, you might want to move him to a QT and get ready for treatment.