bare bottom reef tanks


i want to see some bare bottom reefs.(no sand bed or cc) i will post my pics of my 60 gal. reef later tonight when i get home. let see those tanks :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish

keith burn

Active Member
I've been putting together this 2.5 nano for quite some time. After much research I found very nice invisible clowns, ghost shrimp & transparent hermits. I've been told I'm a little light on live rock & need to add some. What do you think? LOL
Truthfully, after our 29 bowfront exploded one night, we are hesitant to have a bare bottomed reef tank.


i am runnig now 120 bare bottom.
squidd your rock are very clean i am very interested to know how you run this sps tank filtration and ligthing ?


Active Member
squidd...that is unbelievable!!! i am new to corals and am baffled as to how you get soo many corals on the same rocks in your rockscape....awsome tank!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
squidd...that is unbelievable!!! i am new to corals and am baffled as to how you get soo many corals on the same rocks in your rockscape....awsome tank!!
Ummm....( I Glue them there...


No starboard? Still looks nice though, One day I'll make the switch to BB, right now I'm thinking waht a pain in the -!- it would be to do so, plus I have a couple of engineer gobies that wouldn't be too happy if I did. I'll wait for them to go before I do.


Active Member
cleaner. if you just keep fish and inverts that dont need a sandbed. i have tanks both ways i prefer my bare bottom when you see all the gunk that collects on the bottom of a tank and you think that could be in the sand yuck


Originally Posted by eddie1973
OK! that makes scence. Just hope that no rocks fall off and hit bottom.
in the bottom of the tank you put marine starboard and it's protect on the glass.