Bare bottom???Starboard


Active Member
Just kinda kickin around the idea of doing a bare bottom in the 125. I think I heard mention of others doing this and using something like starboard???? :notsure: Anybody know what I might be reffering too? Has anybody used it? Can you point me towards it? I'm not sure I'm gonna do bare bottom but just kicking it around.


Active Member
Going BB means a LOT more than simply not adding sand.
If you are serious about it, i'd suggest doing a lot of reading over on "the other" big reef forum. There is a lot more info there than here on the subject.
In a nutshell though, in order to do a BB successfully, you need to maximize your flow in order to keep detritus in suspension, and secondly you MUST have a very powerful skimmer. The skimmer in a BB tank becomes the main source of filtration.