Barebone or Full Size RO's

Can anyone give me more info on the two types of RO units made by Kent Marine; the Barebone and Full Size differ in price by a margin, I read on the Kent Marine site that the Barebone 24gpd with a TFC membrane which eliminates bacterial at about 92-98% almost same as the Full size 24gpd, but the full size is more costly, Any thoughts, and/or suggestions.


The full size filters better makes more water . The cost is more but it filters more water = save $$ on repalcing filters less. You may upgrade= save your $$ get the bigger one.


I've been asking the same thing. I didn't get much for a reply but the full size has extra filters so i figure it helps keep the main filters running longer. If I were to get the Hi-S system the replacement membrane is $100. I'd rather spend the extra $50 up front so i don't have to spend $100 as often. The replacement filters for the TFC look to be between $6 and $15.
Is there any other brand of R0 unit out there that someone recommends??


I just got the Maxima Hi-S 35 gpd unit. I am hooking it up this weekend. Make sure you order the "flush kit". It will greatly extend the life of your membrane.


have you thought of having your water source tested? Then you could make some real comparisons between systems. and what tto emphasise in your own case.Don't forgwt that maintenence can be far more than
the purchase price and if it doesn't rmove what you
need what good is it no matter what it cost?
Jond, I keep track of how many gallons I make so I know when to replace the membrane. If I get the flush kit, how will I know when the membrane needs replacement? I like the idea of not having to replace it, it's the most expensive part!


Set up went well. It is pretty straight forward. I am suprized how much waste water it makes vs. product water. They recomend replacement of the sediment and carbon filters every 1000 gal. and the exchange resin when the color changes.(although I have not seen where they give you any advice on what type of color change to see)
The odd thing to me is that they recomend every 3 years on the membrane. Nothing on how many gallons. I know it depends on your source water quality. Then they just say with regular flushing with the flush kit, it will greatly extend the life.
I suppose without ocassional water testing, you just play is safe and change the memebrane every couple years depending on how much water you make with the unit.
I would think they base their estimate on the unit making the full 35 gpd, 365 days a year. I know I won't be making anywhere near that much.


There are several places. You may even be able to get it off this site. The link for connection accesories is not working right now. Just keep looking and you should find one.