Barnacle Blenny Question

My new barnacle blenny has run away from home and is hiding in my LR!!
Will he ever go back home to his barnacle?? Do they naturally search for empty barnacle shells to hide in... or will I forever be searching for him in the holes of the LR?
I think his barnacle home got tipped over by my big electric blue crab... and he ran for cover in the rocks.
He is the cutest thing I have ever seen... I want him back in his barnacle so I can watch him!
So far... no sight of him at all today... I sure hope he wasn't someone's (expensive ) midnight snack!!!
Any ideas on how to entice him back into his empty barnacle shell??


Active Member
Barnacle Blennies (Acanthemblemaria castroi) are different from Red-Lipped Blennies (Ophioblennius atlanticus). The Barnacle Blenny is a little smaller, and has a lot more character in my opinion. I wouldn't know how to entice him out, but have you tried placing greens near the barnacle? Hope you find him.
Thank you for making that clear. It seems that not many people have heard of this little fish before.
I haven't tried placing greens near the barnacle, but I will do that now. Any type in particular? I have some green leaf lettuce... will that work?
Thanks for helping, I am really starting to worry about him now. No sign of him yet, and I even moved some of the LR to look for him. Good thing is I didn't find him anywhere floating or on the bottom of the tank. He is tiny, so I guess someone could have completely consumed him :(
The only other fish in the tank are:
  • 1 Pyjama (sp) Cardinalfish
  • 3 Blue Chromis
  • Cleaner Shrimp
  • 2 Electric Blue Hermit Crabs
    3 Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
    2 Emerald Crabs
    2 Scarlett Reef Hermit Crabs
    A few Ceriths and several bumblebee snails


How much did you pay for your barnacle blenny? I have one on hold at the lfs for $35. I've been waiting for one to come in for month's now. Is yours green with black spots and red around the eye's? They are really cool fish I hope you find yours. Good luck.
Hi Bdubbya...
I found my BB... but haven't been able to get him to go back 'home' to his little empty barnacle. Oh well, at least he is hiding in the FRONT of the aquarium.
Yes, I paid $35 for mine... at Pet World...
He is AWESOME... so fun to watch... yes, he looks exactly as you described.
Where are you getting yours from?
I have never seen them anywhere but at Pet World...