"Base" Rock Question-


New Member
Hi all, I have a quick question concerning "base" rock. I keep hearing people say that you can use some base rock along with your live rock already in your tank, maybe even cycling it with live rock in a new tank. I guess what I am getting at is, where do you get base rock? Is it just a rock I find outside that has been cleaned? How long does it take to look like the stereotypical live rock that everyone is accustomed to??

Thank you-


New Member
I figured you could not do that- I was just wondering what types of rock to use... But thanks for the answer, greatly appreciated.

sinner's girl

why did you ask twice? you really only need to post once.


Active Member
you can buy base rock at alot of LFS or online,, its the same thign ass live rock but not live...once you put it in your tankw ith live rock it becomes live quickly..i cant evan tell my base rock from original live rock thats how quick it turned live!