base rock


Active Member
can someone post a picture of what base rock looks like?
Besides baserock what other type of rock can one put into their tank?
I have about 8 lbs of live rock but the cost is crazy here. So I am wanting to know what other type of rock I can use with my live rock.


Active Member
imagine regular live rocks but with none of the colorful stuff on them, just purely white.
my 'base rocks' when i got them, which were more alive than most live rocks from most vendors


Active Member
Wow, snailheave that rock is awesome. i am in definite need of more as we only have 25 lbs in our 55 gallon. Can you email me where you got it? My email is berhows at


Active Member
Thanks for the pictures. I live in Canada so I don't think you will be able to help. That looks just like the "live" stuff I bought here at our LFS. So I think when they come in the rock is just put into their tanks and takes a long time for it to become live like what you area all talking about. I have never seen live rock with stuff growing on it. They bring is tiny rocks here with mushrooms, polyp etc growing on them not big pieces like what you are showing. So at least I know what base rock is.
Thanks for posting the pictures.....Deb


Active Member
different type of live rock with some corals on it. with this vendor since he hand-picks the rocks so you can specify the sizes that you want. for my purpose, i asked for rocks that were at least 12" and i received one that's a gigantic 16" no more fragments!


Active Member
hey deb,
just shoot the guys an email, maybe they can come up with some solution. why not? email doesn't cost anything

one thing worth mentioning is that the rocks were very fresh when i received them and i just put them directly in the tank. the water paramters did not flinch a bit.


Active Member
Now that is nice, i am going to be turning my 25 gal this week into a FOWLR.
After talking with our LFS they highly recommend the live rock thing, they don't recommend the lava rock but another rock I could use in small amounts they say is Tufa. I do have a nice chunk of Tufa would you use it with the live rock i have until I can buy more live rock?
We pay 9.99 per pound here for live rock. Shipping it here from other areas of Canada costs dearly, I already checked into this. It is cheaper for me to pay the 9.99 per pound.
Thanks though!


Active Member
snailheave, I live in B.C. we have a place 7 hrs from me and they only sell large quantities that must be air shipped. I tried that already. The cost is to much but hey, go to the Nano section. I just posted a picture of my tank with my new Stingray.....

The Tufa rock there in the picture would cost a whopping $40.00 CDN here if it were live. They even charge $14.00 for a piece of Tufa at this store the size of the palm of your hand. I bought this nice piece for $10.00
To be honest, we are very lucky where we live. Tufa is natural north of us. On the way to Alberta on the highway we have an area that is solid Tufa rock, many people stop there and take this rock. If it was a shorter drive I would drive there and get some, but next year we are taking a trip that way and you can bet that I will be stopping there for some of this rock.
I also use this for my bonsai, great stuff for that too. After looking at the supposed "live" rock in our one LFS I asked them about some that I thought might be Tufa, they said yes it was. So because they pay and we pay dearly for live rock many are resorting to this rock and seeding it with some live rock.
We here are not big on Marine like you all in the USA, for one the cost for shipping the livestock here is expensive and not many folks here can be bothered to try salt as they have been told it is very hard to do. We are big on Cichlids though as our hard water they just love and thrive in.
Thanks for your replies and help, really appreciate it.
Deb :happyfish


Snailheave, tank is looking good. I just sent you an email because like everyone else, I would love to know where you picked up the rock.