Base Rock


I just got 80# of base rock thats been sitting for several yrs. Ive been told its been in saltwater and chichlid tanks. What should I do with it before I put in my 55g tank that im setting up to avoid problems later. also Kolorscape play sand yes or no?


No clue, the guy who had it doesnt know much about it either execpt it was in a box in the garage for years


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Has the rock ever been used in a tank with copper (as you said it is from a cichlid tank)?
As far as I know, copper is deadly to FW fish! What you can do is by re-cure those rocks again in a separate container/or tank. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
As far as I know, copper is deadly to FW fish! What you can do is by re-cure those rocks again in a separate container/or tank. :happyfish
Copper medications are very commonly used in freshwater oscar and cichlid tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Copper medications are very commonly used in freshwater oscar and cichlid tanks.
I did not know that, from my studies before, it was said that copper is toxic to FW fish. That's from what I've read, but like I've said, As far as I know.....I may be wrong.... :happyfish


Active Member
No, copper is very commonly and successfully used in many freshwater tanks. If we were talking about specific freshwater fish like discus, angels, tetras, rams, kribs, and apistos though, then you would be very right. Cichlids on the other hand can tolerate copper without a problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
No, copper is very commonly and successfully used in many freshwater tanks. If we were talking about specific freshwater fish like discus, angels, tetras, rams, kribs, and apistos though, then you would be very right. Cichlids on the other hand can tolerate copper without a problem.
I've never gotten into chichlids, that's probably why I didn't know. It never interest me to keep'em. They're tough fish anyway, very aggressive!! A few of my friends keep'em, but not me! :happyfish


Active Member
Yeah, some cichlids are very boring, while others I find to be beautiful. Take for instance these fish. I really like this fish. Who would have thought these are cichlids?



Active Member
I had cichlids for the past few years and NEVER used any copper meds in it. Just got rid of my last midas cichlid (sometimes inaproprietly called a red devil by LFS) to do saltwater. They are very aggressive fish. Dobber was about 6 in. and killed everything that i put in the tank. Kinda got frustrating. Either keep the juvies with lotsa rock or 1 adult. He even killed a plecostamus that was easily twice his size. Mean fish, pretty, but mean.


New Member
put the rock in salt water for a while test for copper if none you could give it a shot if only a fowlr no inverts makes no diff. then go for it m2c


Yea i would let it soak in SW for a while, much liek the process for curing DIY rock. Better safe then sorry. Base Rock is cheap enough anyway so its not liek you are saving thousands. .02$