Base rock?


New Member
I hear every one on here talking about base rock, but I am unclear as to what kind of rock it is. Please clarify and will my lfs carry it?


base rock is the same thing as live rock with the exception it has NO life in or onit and it cheaper. some places sell live base rock all this is, is the base rock that has been put into a system to allow bacteria to populate the rock but there will be little to no LIFE on the rock on the form of algae, pods, and worms, and other micro fauna.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
base rock is the same thing as live rock with the exception it has NO life in or onit and it cheaper. some places sell live base rock all this is, is the base rock that has been put into a system to allow bacteria to populate the rock but there will be little to no LIFE on the rock on the form of algae, pods, and worms, and other micro fauna.

Yes base rock is a good filler but do not over pay for it , I wouldnt pay more tha a 1.50 lb


New Member
Ok thanks. That helps out with that question. I will be putting the base rock and sand in my tank this weekend, so lets hope all goes well.