Basement Sump Update


Active Member
ok here are the pics of my tank building
1.this is all the material, 8 2x4's and 4 4x4's
2.these are the joist hangers and braces im using along with 8# 1 1/4" screws
3.started by cutting my 2x4's and 4x4's to the measure length, 2x4- 78" and 4x4's- 62", i love my miter saw, only 100 bucks and got a nice laser line to help me accurately cut, all i need not is the stand so i dun have to kill my back and the stand can hold long pieces of wood. is one of the 2x4's with a joist hanger attached to the end



Active Member
5. 2x4 attached to 4x4
6. almost done,(note: the 4 2x4 are spread so they all will support the sump



Active Member
I'm a little confused, are building a sump or a "lagoon". It looks like a huge stand for a lagoon? No? What size tank are you making?


Active Member
im using a rubber maid stock tank which is gonna be 39" by 58", i made aprox 12" around so that i could walk around --- to work on it


:help: Hery guy's I have a question, might sound crazy or stupid but I don't know so I ask. Coraline Algae on rock, when you take the rock out of the water does the coraline disappear and turn white or does it stayand keep its color, but just dry out? I bought a piece of coral rock from the LFS to use as base rock in my tank. It was one of there tanks from another store. It has green and purple colors which they said was coraline but now that I have it home I am not sure, thinking it might be painted.


Originally Posted by JasenHicks
When coraline dies it leaves a white calcium deposit and the color goes away.
So that means the guy at the LFS lied to me and I was dumb enough to believe him. They painted this coral rock, AGGHHHH :mad:
. Who would paint coral rock and put it in a tank? Is this ok to do. I was going to use it as base rock now I don't think I want it in my tank.


Active Member
HMMMMMM!!!! Back to the original topic of the thread....Looks like your off to a very good start!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefdweler
:help: Hery guy's I have a question, might sound crazy or stupid but I don't know so I ask. Coraline Algae on rock, when you take the rock out of the water does the coraline disappear and turn white or does it stayand keep its color, but just dry out? I bought a piece of coral rock from the LFS to use as base rock in my tank. It was one of there tanks from another store. It has green and purple colors which they said was coraline but now that I have it home I am not sure, thinking it might be painted.


than arcrylic, can wait for the whole thing to be dun, starting the plumbing and everything during my x mas vacation


Active Member
I know what you mean about being done....Still waiting on odds and ends as far as parts.......I think I'm being to anal about certain things.....Took awhile to get info back from Neptune as far as size of their probes on their AquaControllers......I'm planning to run them inline instead of having them just hanging in the sump....They did give good info in that if you plan to run your probes inline you need to upgrade from the "standard grade" probes to the "lab grade" probes due to the fact "lab grade" probes are pressure rated and "standard" probes are not.......Could have been a costly and big mistake


Active Member
i want to get a aquacontroller, but my dad would porb say its a waste....not to me, it would be a big help, i have to wait that long cause my parents want me to pay more attention to my school work and SAT's, i wanted to go into marine bio but my parents r forcing me to do

, they say because the money is good and that marine bio i probably wont find a job right out of college=(


Originally Posted by fishking

than arcrylic, can wait for the whole thing to be dun, starting the plumbing and everything during my x mas vacation
This will be the first and the last I will respond to such foolishness. I am new to this art of reef keeping and I did not intend to hijack nor disire to hijack anyones thread. I just wanted to ask a question. When you don't know you ask those who do know. Thats logical right? Makes sense to you, ok good if it does if it doesn't to bad just means you have some growing up to do as well as a lesson or two in good manners and plain old common curtiscy. In any case I am not mad at you, just feel sorry for you that your vocabulary is so shallow leaving you unable to exspress yourself in a more mature fashion. Oh well so be it. By the way how's your tank doing? anything new in it? Please share we all wouldlike to know and learn from your infinate wisdom.
Reef Dweller The Newbie

fishy lips

New Member
Originally Posted by reefdweler
This will be the first and the last I will respond to such foolishness. I am new to this art of reef keeping and I did not intend to hijack nor disire to hijack anyones thread. I just wanted to ask a question. When you don't know you ask those who do know. Thats logical right? Makes sense to you, ok good if it does if it doesn't to bad just means you have some growing up to do as well as a lesson or two in good manners and plain old common curtiscy. In any case I am not mad at you, just feel sorry for you that your vocabulary is so shallow leaving you unable to exspress yourself in a more mature fashion. Oh well so be it. By the way how's your tank doing? anything new in it? Please share we all wouldlike to know and learn from your infinate wisdom.
Reef Dweller The Newbie
Hey, Reef Dweller!
I don't think they meant to put you down...I think it was a jovial way to help you to understand about threads and the "ONE SUBJECT PER THREAD" theory. See, if there is one topic per thread, then it is easier to research a subject on the boards. For instance, say one of us realized that there was a run on folks buying painted rock but thinking it was live coraline rock. To research this, one could enter "PAINTED CORALINE ROCK" in the search engine and find out about everybody that that happened to. If you started that topic under "BASEMENT SUMP UPDATE"...nobody would find out it happened to you!!!
That's all, Reef Dweller, CHILL!
One more thing...There is a thread for new people, it is very helpful!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefdweler
This will be the first and the last I will respond to such foolishness. I am new to this art of reef keeping and I did not intend to hijack nor disire to hijack anyones thread. I just wanted to ask a question. When you don't know you ask those who do know. Thats logical right? Makes sense to you, ok good if it does if it doesn't to bad just means you have some growing up to do as well as a lesson or two in good manners and plain old common curtiscy. In any case I am not mad at you, just feel sorry for you that your vocabulary is so shallow leaving you unable to exspress yourself in a more mature fashion. Oh well so be it. By the way how's your tank doing? anything new in it? Please share we all wouldlike to know and learn from your infinate wisdom.
Reef Dweller The Newbie
srry if i was a little harsh, welcome to the reefing, i never knew how a rock y would look after left out to dry, but my guess is that either they painted or that coralline is super strong, and just to recap if you have a question make a thread, again srry if i was to harsh i was just bustin ur chops


Active Member
nothing new so far, my hippo tank is in hospital dues to him having sumthing wrong and he isnt eating and he is reallllly skinny


Active Member
so far for my sump i plan to get a korallin denitrifacator, heard good things about it, and 2 phosban reactors, and a asm skimmer. im also trying to design a baffle system for the overflow


Active Member
Not sure what you mean your trying to design a baffle system for the overflow???? Are you talking about in the sump?


Active Member
ano i meant like a little mini baffle box that will be placed in the rubbermaid to help rid the overflow water of its microbubbles