Basket Ball, Horse ......


Maybe they could put up a "rink" like in hockey to stop things like this. I think ALL of the fans that were throwing things should be fined!!!
What would the do if Artest walked in to their place of business and hit them with a full cup of beer???


forreal,,,, did you hear that artest is suspended the WHOLE season? thats like telling the fans its okay to do crap like that... just so the ppl get punished that severely. its bs...................


Active Member
I think fans like that should be punished as well, but I also believe that the players had no right to go into the stands...both sides were wrong, and both should be penalized


^^also out of the loop. They suspended artest for the remainder of the season. Stephen Jackson is gone for 30 games, jermaine O'neil is gone for 25 games and ben wallace is gone for 6 games. I think stern did a GREAT job at suspending them for the amount of time that he did. There were a few other suspensions too but not that significant. It's gonna KILL the pacers hopes for a good seed in the playoffs.


Active Member
Stern also said something like this: Fans that behave like that at our games are unwelcome at NBA events and we don't mind a bit if we lose that segment of our fan base.
Those players got off light in my opinion, especially Stephen Jackson. He was in the stands randomly punching people. The fans had no right to throw beer at the players and deserved the beat down that they got, but the Pacers are professionals and never should have entered the stands. This sort of thing happens ALL THE TIME at NFL games and even at hockey and baseball games. Shoot, it even happened to Jeff Gordon earlier this year after a NASCAR race. More needs to be done to protect the athletes so that another Ron Artest-type incident can be avoided.
By the way, did anyone see the Clemson-South Carolina brawl on Saturday?


I say beat them all down. The fans deserved everything that they got. Artest was chillin on the scoretable until he was hit in the face with a cup full of beer. I mean comeon, what did the guy expect to happen when he tossed it? It was uncalled for and I would have done the same. It's a shame that Wallace didn't get more than 6 games. He was the cause of the arguement in the first place. If it weren't for his actions none of it would have happened.


artest should not be suspended the whole season, that is way too much- he was tryin to stay out of it until that guy threw the beer at him.... those fans should be fined or something
there definitely wasnt enough security:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


It's coo...anyway I want to see how many lawsuits come out of this. God knows there were lawyers watching going $$$$$$$.


It was all ben wallces fault anyways.... Artest should have punched wallace out
Are you stupid?? I don't think a Ron Artest punch would even STUN Big Ben. Ben would KILL him.
It's a shame that Wallace didn't get more than 6 games. He was the cause of the arguement in the first place.
Was you even watching the game?? Or did you see clips?? The Pacers were winning by 10-15 points with 45 seconds to go. WHY foul ben wallace with a cheap shot with that much time remaining and your winning the ball game?? I don't think ben wallace should have shoved him the way he did but he did not force artest into the stands. 6 games is the right amount. He should not be hit for more cause he did not move from the score table. ARTEST did. The only thing i wish is that Stephen Jackson got more time then he did. Like mentioned above, he just ran up and starting throwin blows. Gimme a break.
artest should not be suspended the whole season, that is way too much- he was tryin to stay out of it until that guy threw the beer at him....
He must not have tried hard enough. There is NO EXCUSE PERIOD to enter the stands. I don't give a ---- if you spit on a player, there is NO EXCUSE. The fans pay the players salary. In no way am I saying it's ok what the fans did cause it's not and last I heard there are going to be suits against some of the fans too. Even from the Pistons organization.

nm reef

Active Member
I saw what happened....its a sad state of affairs....but my take on it is this...
For a few years now I've felt its just been a matter of time until one of those young...over paid....wanna be rap star punks went ballastic. For the most part they are decent ball players...but the have no decency! Its all rap....bling....attitude....same as rap....all trash and very little substance. So in my mind it was only a matter of time.
As for the suspensions....ban them for life!!! They may be good but the game itself is better off without punks like them in it....let them try to cope with life workin' 8-5 at a real job. The NBA is a chance of a lifetime for trash like them...and in my mind they friggin' blew it and disgraced the history of the game...send 'em packing.:D


Active Member
It looks like Ron Artest will have plenty of time to produce albums and won't even have to worry about asking coach Carlisle for time off anymore!


if the players were true professionals they would have pointed to security and said kick that guy out for throwing stuff. players have had stuff thrown at them before and all they do is motion to security, and boom A- - holes are gone. but no, artest has to promote his thug image to sell a few more rap albums to all the suburban kids that are goin to go buy it cause they think they are ghetto. A player has no right ever to enter the stands. if artest is so da-n tough he should have taken on wallace, not some punk in the stands. now, if a fan goes onto the court or field of play, that jerk deserves the beatdown of a lifetime, cause he is invading the players territory. and as far as those suspensions go, every player got off light. its stupid crap like this that kids see on live tv that has me breakin up fights every day in school.


^^haha. You say stuff about breaking up fights in school and your avatar is a little kid with a gun. Funny stuff. But I do agree with you. I think if Artest had any beef he should've handled it with wallace. Wallace basically gave him a nice elbow to the face and artest didn't do sh*t. You know why? He knows he'd get beat down. So someone throws a drink on him and he goes into the stands. As if to say "i can't take wallace but i'll beat this little fag down because he threw a drink, and I know i can take him". No matter what, artest got a BIG chunk out of his paycheck. Even though they make alot of money I'm sure a year's salary made him think twice about his actions next yr. He's just a lil punk. That's all artest is. I feel NO SYMPATHY for him at all....
By the way, my timberwolves play the pacers this week so it'll give us a better shot at another win.


The Pistons fans were out of line - and so were the players. There is NO reason that those ppl should have been throwing stuff on the players though. Seriously that is their JOB. Its like going into a bank and getting mad at the teller and hitting them with a drink in the face or throwing a chair. The point is there was NOT enough security to handle it.
I dont agree with the players going into the stands, but as for the guy who walked onto the court- he definitely deserved the slide tackle punch that Jermaine gave to him. PERIOD. that guy was an idiot.
Reggie Miller got 1 game suspension out of it- now theres a guy who didn't deserve it.


I was wondering if it was some big conspiracy to allow Artest to work on his album....
Btw, I am really dissappointed in Artest for the whole album thing- I love Basketball but hate the "tough-guy thug" attitude from all of them.:rolleyes: