Bathing In Your Fishtank Water


Last week I did four 10% water changes in an attempt to lower my trates, over the course of five days. I dumped bucket after bucket in my tub. Eventually it occurred to me, huh, ya know, I could plug the drain, and have a salt bath.
I am not going to admit to you whether or not I actually did that. But, I thought I would ask what other people do with their water?
Originally Posted by vayapues
Last week I did four 10% water changes in an attempt to lower my trates, over the course of five days. I dumped bucket after bucket in my tub. Eventually it occurred to me, huh, ya know, I could plug the drain, and have a salt bath.
I am not going to admit to you whether or not I actually did that. But, I thought I would ask what other people do with their water?

I usually bathe in sewage


Active Member
I usually flush mine. now. I used to dump it in the grass. My grass never died so I guess it was ok. Or on the street.


Originally Posted by vayapues
Last week I did four 10% water changes in an attempt to lower my trates, over the course of five days. I dumped bucket after bucket in my tub. Eventually it occurred to me, huh, ya know, I could plug the drain, and have a salt bath.
I am not going to admit to you whether or not I actually did that. But, I thought I would ask what other people do with their water?

We have a deck out our back door that is probably about 4 yards off the ground - there is only dirt below, so dump it over the deck. Grass won't grow there anyway, so I figured why not?


Active Member
Heck plug the drain and sell it as a spa treatment, "reefwater baths and seasweed wrap" I can see it now


Floor Drain! There is something satisfying about dumping stuff on the floor (in the right spot) and not having to clean it up.


Well-Known Member
never thought about bathing in fish wastewater. I don't think I would now either. lol. Everything goes down the drain.