Bazar Fish....Wierd

Ok this is a odd one and I have no idea, so maybee some of you guys will. Some of my fish are rubbing aginst rocks and darting around the tank. There are no spots, nor should there be as the SG is at 1.009. There is no visible fungus. All the fish's colors are at the brightest they have been. Even the yellow tang looks good. No head erosion, nothing......whats going on?
ohhh yeah Guess I should have noted that. I have been in the process of treating Ich. Which has since gone away. Im gonna keep there for 2 more weeks to be safe. Any ideas?


Active Member
your fish scratching even if there is no visible sign of ich, just means that its still present. stick with the treatment and intime you should be fine


Yes, keep with the program but have you checked your nitrite and nitrate levels recently? High levels of either can cause fish to scratch too.