

Hey all, this is my biocube 14 gallon, had it about 8 months now. live sand and 4 pounds of live rock, 5 pounds of baserock, stock lighting.
Male ocellaris clown, female wild caught true percula, 5 hermit crabs, 2 tonga nassarius snails, 2 asteria snails, 1 peppermint shrimp
I just got some new stuff from SWF, you can see the massive amount of Agar mirco algae from ORA, torch coral, 2 frogspawns, candy, GSP, kenya tree, white pulsing xenia, hammer, black sun coral, green recorida mushroom, green mushroom, pink zoantids, green zoanthids, condy anemone
Let me know what you think.
im so sad ur two clowns remind me of mine when i first started my bio29 now i only have 1, 1 died... :( but your tank looks great