Bchbum's acrylic sumps


I just got mine today, and wow! This is truly amazing. As his webmaster i will be posting all of my installation on his website, but i just want to say that if you want a sump custom or not... he makes damn good ones. The quality is amazing... im truly impressed, and NO this is not a marketing ploy... im just really happy with mine. The mods took his original post down so his link isnt up anymore... but i can email it out... wow these are nice.


good to hear, now if you guys can work out cheap shipping to Hawaii I'm in.....but I'll probably just end up making my own.


Zip is 96818 or in two weeks 96706. I'd be interested to hear how much it is, It would probably be about the same size as yours, as it is fitting under the same size tank.


Active Member
I'm definitely interested. 20"L x 10"w x ??"h, 3 baffles installed with seperate compartment for in sump skimmer and another for return. Can you include bulkheads on the top as well? Shipped to 87123. Please let me know. If possible, include diagram in scale according to above specs.
Got a URL? email? Am I asking to much of you guys? Let me know.