Beach sand?


Living here in Lauderdale, I am a short ride to the upper keys. What would go wrong with making a live DSB with say Key Largo sand? What about gulf coast white sugar sand? Naples is only 2 hours away to. :D Any forseen problems? It realy dosn't get much liver than that right? and it sure would beat buying live sand from the store at $20 a bag. Who knows how long its been in that bag?
Aditionally, I recently learned that my LFS sells natrual sea water as there salt water. Should I be concerned with possable polution? Depends on where they pump it out from right?


Active Member
I'd be weary of getting sand from a beach. Polutants tend to be present there and build up over time. Things you don't think about like suntan lotion, bug spray, little kid pee and other things I don't care to think about when on the beach.
Most of the sand in the keys beaches is imported anyway.
If you want a live DSB using local sand, make most of your sand bed from store bought dry sand/aragonite, then go diving or snorkling a ways from the beach (an island in the keys would be ideal). Bring a few ziplocks with you and then get some good bottom sand. Seed your tank with this and over a month or so, you will have a live DSB.


Careful, I hear its illegal to take any sand in Florida. Something to do with the imorting of it I think. Better check with your State. I found the number for the Dept of Environmental protection. Phone: (850) 245-2161 or (850) 245-2163
This is Hawaii's Law:The taking of sand, coral rubble or other marine deposits is permitted in certain circumstances. The material may not exceed one gallon per person per day, and may be taken only for personal, noncommercial purposes. HRS §171-58.5, §205A-44


I glad he asked about the sand...I have a house at Myrtle Beach here in South Carolina and I too thought about seeding a sand bed with sand from the beach..I'm not sure about the laws here, but I'm sure nobody would question a kids sand bucket full of sand...May have to take a few trips back and forth from the house...LOL:D