beach sand?


Active Member
was just sitting in my room thinking... anyone ever use sand from the beach in their tank. and then some live sand to seed it... im sure this is a bad idea.. possibly illegal to take the sand from the beach?. what are some peoples thoughts on this.. i feel the idea wasnt a bad one, just that it wouldnt work out good in the end. (im talking about the dry sand on the beach.


Active Member
This idea has been discussed here before and the problem seems to be with beach pollution. Even if it isn't illegal, it's too risky. :)


Active Member
I'd say definetly a bad idea. Theres no telling what kind of pollutants are in it.


Active Member
the beach is basically the filtration system. I think you would have to go out pretty far to get anything worthy. But I wouldn't risk it.


Active Member
There was actually a guy who got sand from the ocean(it was a few months ago). He lived on some island i think. He couldn't get fish shipped to him so he was talking about catching his own. I think he went out a couple hundred feet and got sand but i'm not sure. That would be so cool to set up your tank having to go catch your own fish.:)


Active Member
kipass put it as...the worlds beaches are pretty much the protein skimmer of the ocean. you can go out about 2 or 3 miles and be safe.