Aww that polar bear thing was cute. On the tiger attack issue, if it's proven that they did provoke the tiger well.. you play, you pay! If not , then I guess it was just a very unfortunate incident for both sides. What I've been wondering since this first hit the news however is, why did the tiger have to be killed? Don't people own tranquilizer guns anymore? Yes, the tiger attacked and some will say a vicious animal like that needs to be killed but DUH, it IS a in a tiger's natural make-up to attack, it's a wild animal for pete's sake!! Just because one lives in a zoo and is indirectly exposed to thousands of people daily doesn't mean it's going to act like the family dog. Should a tiger be murdered for doing what nature intended of it?? It's somewhat along the same lines of people wanting sharks killed because they attack people. Just my thoughts...