Beat a Speeding Camera


My sister lives in MD and she has told me about these cameras. If they mail you a ticket for speeding make a photo copy of a check, Blank out a few numbers on the check so they can't try to use it to pay the citation, and mail it in to them.


Active Member
The only thing is that most high school kids have less then.nice cars, so if they're just finding identical cars in parking lots, chances are these are less then rich people. People who might have a hard time paying a speeding ticket. Granted if highschool kids drove Lexus's and Cadillacs
that's one thing, but not a struggling family with a 95 Maxima.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
The only thing is that most high school kids have less then.nice cars, so if they're just finding identical cars in parking lots, chances are these are less then rich people. People who might have a hard time paying a speeding ticket. Granted if highschool kids drove Lexus's and Cadillacs
that's one thing, but not a struggling family with a 95 Maxima.
prolly high school kids driving benz's. Typically those red light tickets are pretty cheap like 50 bucks or something. Not the 200 dollar ticket that you get for an actual violation.


Active Member
Somehow I doubt that has happened much. Would you loan you car to someone to do that? How likely is it that you would be able to find someone with the exact model and color car willing to let you do it. Most of those cameras take a windshield shot too. If the person who got punked knew the kids who did it they could tell the cops who it was.
Is a creative idea though.
When I lived in Phoenix they had mobile units like that. I had a truck load of kids go wizzing past me as I was coming up on one. They were all flipping the bird to the camera and had rags wrapped around the back license plate.
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I always wanted to go through the intersection in reverse. Front license plates are not required
Or just do like I saw some guys do at senior week in high slowly through the red light at 3am (when there is no traffic) standing behind the car (obviously blocking the plates) while flipping the camera off and smiling.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
prolly high school kids driving benz's. Typically those red light tickets are pretty cheap like 50 bucks or something. Not the 200 dollar ticket that you get for an actual violation.
No way. Those with Benz's don't care, at all. They're the ones that had friends like me and steal daddy's keys and we get to see how the S-class/7-series goes on I-95. It's the 'rebels'
with that 93 Camry, that they ripped the plate #'s from some single mom, she has to support three kids on a office manager's salary that even some random $50 hurts...
Originally Posted by reefraff

Somehow I doubt that has happened much. Would you loan you car to someone to do that? How likely is it that you would be able to find someone with the exact model and color car willing to let you do it. Most of those cameras take a windshield shot too. If the person who got punked knew the kids who did it they could tell the cops who it was.
Is a creative idea though.
When I lived in Phoenix they had mobile units like that. I had a truck load of kids go wizzing past me as I was coming up on one. They were all flipping the bird to the camera and had rags wrapped around the back license plate.
I guess it depends. I could probably find 50 pearl white Cadillac's in about 30 minutes in Palm Beach. Or 30 silver Prius's in L.A. in an hour.