Beaten up clown


I have had a pair of clowns for about 2 weeks. They were introduced together.
The larger one is really beating up on the smaller one. I know this is a struggle to decide who is going to be female, however how far should it go? The smaller one has alot of damage to his tailfin.
They are the only 2 fish in the tank, and their size difference isnt that much.
I have a QT that I can put one into - should I use it? Which one should go?

bang guy

I would just let them go at it until the smaller is almost gone. Then pull it out.
Are these Maroon Clowns?
Are you sure the smaller is so young as not to have already turned female?


THanks for the reply - they are true percs.
These are my first fish so I cant be sure about much. The little one had been turning on his side and "seizing" like I have read about. And had been living in a community of fish when I bought them.
Never seen them lock faces though. I understand that is what 2 females will do?


Won't the smaller one eventually turn into the male, even if it was a female? Or does that only happen upon the death of their mate?


My understanding is that once they turn female their is no turning back.
Does anyone know how long the process of change takes?
P.S Bang I ended up having to take the little one out. Not sure how close to death he was but 1/4 of his tail was gone, and he has damage to all of his fins and barely uses his left pectoral fin at all.