becoming a shark


I'm a Jumbo Emperor w/ 80 some-odd messages, and I would like to know about how many more helpful posts I will have to post before I can even consider the possibility of becoming a shark. Thanx!

[This message has been edited by Fishgirl (edited 04-15-2000).]


Staff member
I don't really know that "numbers" is the criteria. I had posted less than 50 before I became a shark. It might be that there's only room for 4 Sharks at a time, as I've only seen 4 at a time on the board. Perhaps you should email the web administers and inquire.


You have a good question there ranger!! I certainly hope people are taking or not taking advice from others based on their STATUS. One's status is not based on experience in the hobby. I was not interviewed or tested on my knowledge, and I did not solicit my "sharkhood" in any way, and I'm sure there are people (perhaps a juvi??) significantly more qualified than I.
The info you recieve on this board regardless of from whom it came, is not concrete or guaranteed, it simply gives you ideas and options to help YOU make more educated choices and decisions.
PLEASE try to look past the status symbols people (especially in my case)!


I'll 2nd that reply, Slyly on being a juvi!! I have learned/am learning a ton of info from this site, thanks to all the good input but know, ultimately, the decision is mine to make on what I do re: my tank. Some of it may work & some may not but, hey, that's part of the hobby & learning process, isn't it?? Best -
Hey, Slyly, how do you get those smiley faces to appear @ the end of your post??


I know i wasn't asked but I'll answer anyway:
When u r writing your post, look over to the side, click the "smilies legend" to find out what to type for each diff kind of smily.


I agree with slyly also. I am very new to this wonderful hobbie. I really never paid any attention to the "Titles of Glory". You can learn from any level of experience! This place is the best. Where else can to get information and a little chuckle at the same time?! Keep up the good work.


That's just it, polka--the titles don't reflect experience in the hobby--they only reflect experience with this particular board. The major currator of sea-world could log on tomorrow and be classified as a juvi.


I wondered what a juvi and jumbo and all that stuff was; I think I got it now. I could care less!! I am just so glad that I found this site--it has been an incredible learning tool for me. Thanks!


New Member

Originally posted by Paul:
I'm new to this hobby and we'll always consider myself a juvi. I've read several books and talked with many other hobbist's and lfs' and they don't even agree on certain things. I'm just glad that those with "Shark" status are experienced and knowledgeable enough to help others. The status is irrelevant. I've learned so much from just reading the posts and replys.

I guess I'm a guppie!!!!!!


sorry guys -- i didn't mean to start this topic like it like it was the most important thing to me in the world that i became a shark! -- i was just wondering, that's all --I'm perfectly happy being a jumbo.