Bed tank


I have decided to have my two 55 gallon tanks and my 30 gallon under my bed.
I was thinking I could run a 2x4 fram with 2" plywood for a base andhave the tanks sit like this.


Active Member
You have a tall bed. Just make sure you can pull off the mattress to be able to access your tanks.


I figured that out too! In the picture the brown thing is the canopy between the bed and the tank. will have hinges in the side and I can just swing that open.
This is going to be SOO cool.
Kinda worried about weight thought like would x2 55 gallon tanks and a 30 gallon hold up on the second floor or would it fall threw the 1st floor ceiling??
Kinda scary.
ZZZZzzzzZZZZZZZZ.... CRACK. :scared: :scared: AAHHHHH well now I got a first floor bed room LOL
My mom would FLIP. I wouldn't see a fish tank till i was 30:nope:
Any idead on how to distribute the weight??


Active Member
Put the whole setup on a plywood sheet and that would help. Also, it might be better if you put your bed right up next to a corner wall in your room. You would have to give up one one of your 55 gal tanks though, but with the money you save, you could fix up your other 55 and your 30 better. The corner wall is the strongest part of the floor. The middle of the room away from all the walls is the weakest.