Beefing up defences


A while ago I asked what the best locks were and got some master lock DISK locks , which work great no one has bin able to bust them soo I feel safe.
Now since they could not break the gate down some thives broke in and took all my store radios from the trucks then went to each car and got what they could.
My car was the worst, I had told the employes to keep the doors unlock and remove the sterio face but they forgot and left the sterio and locked the doors, soo i got a busted window and a hammer smashed dash(dum crooks could not steal it without breaking it)
I have 45 foot tall walls and any short side is covered with razor wire both inside and out.
What else can I do ?? attack dogs , eletiric fence , shotguns.
Anyhelp here would be great as I am angry at the damage to my truck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DrTITO
A while ago I asked what the best locks were and got some master lock DISK locks , which work great no one has bin able to bust them soo I feel safe.
Now since they could not break the gate down some thives broke in and took all my store radios from the trucks then went to each car and got what they could.
My car was the worst, I had told the employes to keep the doors unlock and remove the sterio face but they forgot and left the sterio and locked the doors, soo i got a busted window and a hammer smashed dash(dum crooks could not steal it without breaking it)
I have 45 foot tall walls and any short side is covered with razor wire both inside and out.
What else can I do ?? attack dogs , eletiric fence , shotguns.
Anyhelp here would be great as I am angry at the damage to my truck.
Dogs if you can set it up right for them. The professional places that deliver the dogs every night would be my choice.
what about a night watchman. or a simple home security sensor system attached to one of those old fashioned air raid sirens. you can hear those things for miles.


Watchmen are not to be trusted, i think I will get some new dogs as my old rott is by its self. Maybe a pair of females to help him out. I have a system installed on the inside but not the patio. Time to stalk it out and maybe catch a crook.
Thanks for the suggustions.