

My tank has been set up for about eight months now and is doing great. I have a 75gal FOWLR with about 80lbs of live rock. I have noticed recently a few soft structures that look like wasp nests. These things are sort of translucent, soft and seem to be home to a bunch of pods. They are half egg shaped with a hole in the center. I have about four of these. They are all about the size of a quarter except one that has completely enveloped a rock. This one does not really have a shape like the others but appears to be made of the same material. I don't mind them, I like all the diversity of life in my tank, but I worry that this may be something that could take over the tank. I would not like to see all my rocks covered in this stuff. The water in this tank has always been spotlessly clear and all the water parameters that I check for(PH,nitrAte,nitrIte,ammonia)are good. I do struggle a bit with nitrAte but handle it just fine with water changes. Any ideas on what this stuff is?


Active Member
Sound like types of sponges to me. A picture would be helpful.
As far as I know these types of sponges are completely harmless.


Sounds like sponge, I have all kinds in my 55 and have for over a year with out a problem. I like the diversity:yes:


I know this is a crappy picture but it is all I have right now. This is the rock that is all covered with slime. This is different than the other things. This rock is completely covered in some type of translucent, soft, thick slime. I have another rock that is half covered. This is what worries me, I would hate to see it spread all over. It seems a lot of pods live in it. I don't know what came first the slime or the pods.