Been a while but I have new stuff for all of you :) 08/24/11

I wish I had the MH Biocube, I just have the power compact one. I didnt think I could keep Acans in my tank... now that I know now, Ill def be getting me some nice pieces of them! I love he colors they have on them. Thanks Jerth! Ill post a better pic of the whole tank soon. That one pic isnt as clear as I thought it was. Oh yeah def a prob if the pistol eats ur randalls for a snack lol. Ive always wanted to get a pair of each of those corals, hammer, torch and frogspawn. Do you have pics of your tank 1guydude that you can post so I can check it out??
I really like how many little frags you have in both tanks, specially the first video i saw. Out here in Houston it's hard to find frags that are that nice. How much did u spend on each of them? i saw ur randalls goby lol


Well-Known Member
well if ur talking about the stuff on the rack, its all been taken from my coral and its free lol :)
If ur talking about the small colonies of zoos on the rocks, than id say anywhere between $10-$30... thats the high fin goby....hes paired up with the randall shrimp but the shrimp dont really come out that often!
I like frags cuz than u can watch ur tank grow and fill in! Kinda kool but kinda dorky lol!
Yeah im talking about the zoos colonies on the rocks. I really like those colors, i need to find a place out here where they have them colors at. No i hear you, i like to see my stuff grow as well. I bought that big colony of GSP's cause i really needed something big in that right hand corner, it was to plain back there lol. Plus buying frags is way cheaper!!


Well-Known Member
Plus buying frags is way cheaper!!
most deff!

i used to go to a place where they had 2 for $40! I havent been thier in awhile though cuz they stopped doin it.....they said they would start the frag tank up again but idk!
Im going to a frag swap here next month and ive been frag crazy lately lol!
Ive got like 4 lfs i go to! Their should be some out their!