Been gone awhile......


I was gone for a while. I started a new job. Not really a new job, same job, but I work for a different agency now. You know, more money, better benefits etc etc.
Anyway....I'm back. Look forward to chatting about reefs again.
Fill me in on what I've missed the last couple months. hehe

nm reef

Active Member
Welcome back....same old place here. Lots of new faces and still several regulars hanging around. Good to see you up some pics and tell us how your systems doing.:cool:
By the way.....I have been know to use the modified single finger salute from time to time!:rolleyes:


Thanks guys.
The reef is doing very well. I got the 140 up and running a while ago, and transfered everything from the 80 bow into it. Had two casualties. My elegance, and my hammer. MAJOR bummer, I had both for almost two years.
Anyway, I upgraded from pc's to 3 175w MH. I was one of the stubborn pc people. I did opt for 15k bulbs, I like the blue tint. I added a huge skimmer because I overfeed and I know I do. An ampmaster 3k and a quiet one pump run the whole show.
My corals are loving life, and I have added a maxima clam (purple and turquoise). It is my first and it seems to be doing very well.
I also ditched the kent products (superbuffer and turbo calcium) after some research and have begun using seachem. I had no problem growing green corraline and maintaining my purple, but no new purple. Now I have tons of little patches of new purple everywhere. I suspect the seachem has helped with actually raising my carb alk, and my calcium seems not to flucuate as it did before. Good news.
The most exciting news is I took down the 40 that was in my son's room, and added the marine betta from his tank to the 140. I also had a betta in the 80. I was afraid they would fight, but instead they began to spawn! Just the other day, I had tons of little bettas swimming around. The "reef" filtered them out, or they starved. I don't think DT's cut it for fry food, and I don't have any golden pearls or rotifers yet. But when they do it again, I will be prepared. I also have wilkerson's book en route. I figured raising baby clowns can't be too much different.
You will be very happy to know I still spend waaaaay too much money on my tank, like everyone else here.
I'll post pics as soon as I can. I'm very happy with the new set-up.
How are you guys' tanks doing? Pics of new additions?


There is one other person I am aware of who has seen the mating dance in his tank. Unfortunately the thread is on another BB. I tagged along with his thread for a while, but it is unclear if his ever laid eggs or hatched.
I have a few e-mails out to some folks with more credentials than I have letters in my name, so I hope to have some good information on how to possibly increase the fry survival.
My master plan is to borrow my buddies digi cam, it takes mini movies. I want to place it next to the corner where the nest is and record the spawn and hopefully the egg laying itself. It would be very cool to get some good pics for Terry B.
If you guys want the thread e-mail me, Or you can look for another popular BB with a "fish breeding forum." ;)
I will definately keep you all updated, this is way too cool to keep to myself.